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Why is William Cutler At.water a forbidden subject ???

In my post of a few mements ago, regarding the pedigree of the James A. Stack, Sr. 1802 half dime, I mentioned one of the coin's former owners, the great collector William Cutler At.water. Perhaps some of you wondered why I keep putting a period between the first two syllables of his name?

Imagine my surprise when PCGS refused the post, because it contained a "forbidden word." The transgression was conveniently highlighted in yellow for me to see: the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th letters of this great collector's last name. In order to get around this, I had to stick an extra punctuation mark between the "T" and the "W".

Poor Wm. At.water !!!! His name has apprently become an expletive in this latter day of computer technology.

I thought you should all know, lest you be rained upon with brimstone and fire for the mention of this collector !!!! You would think the filters would recognize that if the letters are buried in and part of a longer word, it may not be a pronographic reference.


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