No Band Merc Dime Registry.

in Q & A Forum
Maybe this has already been asked but why are the Full Band coins allowed in this registry ?
To preserve the integrity of a No Band Merc Registry it seems odd that Full Band coins would be allowed. Certainly a devoted No Band collector puts in more time and effort to find his/her higher grade coins because honestly the populations are very small for some of the dates. IMO this time and effort should be rewarded by keeping Full Band coins out that would count the same as a No Band coin. If nothing else a 2 point deduction should be installed if a collector does use a Full Band coin.
Thanks Much for you opinion and time.
Take Care.
To preserve the integrity of a No Band Merc Registry it seems odd that Full Band coins would be allowed. Certainly a devoted No Band collector puts in more time and effort to find his/her higher grade coins because honestly the populations are very small for some of the dates. IMO this time and effort should be rewarded by keeping Full Band coins out that would count the same as a No Band coin. If nothing else a 2 point deduction should be installed if a collector does use a Full Band coin.
Thanks Much for you opinion and time.
Take Care.
Hi Ken,
For the Full Band set, full band coins get a bonus. For the non-band set, the full bands don't get a bonus. The full band set is about finding coins with full bands. The non-bands set is about finding the coins...with or without bands. We don't penalize a coin for having full bands in the non-band set, we just don't give them a bonus. That's the concept as I understand it.