Question for the boards.....

I have known a small time seller on ebay...basically just a guy who buys card and sells extra's. He has good contacts which he of course will NOT share with me. That would be fine if he gave me great deals but he IS rather expensive.
When i first started my venture into 1956 baseball i spent a boatload STUPIDLY on raw 56's from the fellow...I got cards that were nice 7's but honestly paid a graded 7's price for raw cards and thought..oh well...i got great cards and ill just eat the grading fee.
Now to my question....he got a great deal on some 57's which I am now collecting and had them graded by GAI...which i would have to crossover if I bought. He has some 57's i dont have and i messaged him for prices on about 15 of them. He sent me back prices on all of them and i replied which ones i wanted to buy.
He then replies back stating a price for the total group- without even mentioning anything if i will buy the whole group or else. I dont like this one bit considering the cash ive laid down to this guy- and feel as if im being slapped in the face as if im some easy push-over who he can talk into buying the cards...I already told this fellow I would buy a nm-mt 1982 topps set without the ripken (and jorge bell for god sake which 2 board members sent me upon request for assistance!!!) as if this is a done deal for a whopping 35 dollars for nothing but commons- his assurance assigned to a nm-mt status. He knows I am building the set from small alloted funds per month but if he insists on only selling the full you guys think I sould keep doing business with fellow or turn and run due to lack of buyer loyalty....I mean ive spent way to much on this guy you believe im being treated fair in my request to just buy the cards at his price im interested in??? What would you do?
When i first started my venture into 1956 baseball i spent a boatload STUPIDLY on raw 56's from the fellow...I got cards that were nice 7's but honestly paid a graded 7's price for raw cards and thought..oh well...i got great cards and ill just eat the grading fee.
Now to my question....he got a great deal on some 57's which I am now collecting and had them graded by GAI...which i would have to crossover if I bought. He has some 57's i dont have and i messaged him for prices on about 15 of them. He sent me back prices on all of them and i replied which ones i wanted to buy.
He then replies back stating a price for the total group- without even mentioning anything if i will buy the whole group or else. I dont like this one bit considering the cash ive laid down to this guy- and feel as if im being slapped in the face as if im some easy push-over who he can talk into buying the cards...I already told this fellow I would buy a nm-mt 1982 topps set without the ripken (and jorge bell for god sake which 2 board members sent me upon request for assistance!!!) as if this is a done deal for a whopping 35 dollars for nothing but commons- his assurance assigned to a nm-mt status. He knows I am building the set from small alloted funds per month but if he insists on only selling the full you guys think I sould keep doing business with fellow or turn and run due to lack of buyer loyalty....I mean ive spent way to much on this guy you believe im being treated fair in my request to just buy the cards at his price im interested in??? What would you do?
<< <i> What would you do? >>
That's a tough question in that only you know all the details. I believe if I have been loyal to someone and spent some righteous bucks, I might expect some reciprocation. There are guys on the psa boards who will sell you graded cards below smr - having said this, I believe people are what they do and you can't change that - so if this had happened to me, I would just stop doing business and not say anything because it would probably go over his head anyway and only inflame things.
What do ya think?
your friend
that repeat customers are given a break. Now each break that is given is usually earned after spending money at the listed prices frst and
making yourself a repeat customer. If you feel that you have spent enough with him that warrents a break then walk. If you don't you are
letting yourself be used by him for his gain not yours. You need to make a stance, draw the line in the sand and dont cross it. It may hurt at first but
you will have your dignity and lothar my friend, dignity can never be bought, those cards can and from someone else who values your hard earned money.
my advice...walk
<< <i>THATS a one way deal baby....and i dont like it ONE bit. >>
The hardest thing for me to learn - or should I say to do was ascert myself - some dealers will try to push you around as if they are doing you some big favor - as if they had the only 'one' of that card in the universe! These guys can be intimidating - you would never let Sears treat you badly. If I did business like that, I would not have a soul visiting my office - that's a concept everyone understands. Good luck on your situation Ryan.
Save on ebay with Big Crumbs
<< <i>He has some 57's i dont have and i messaged him for prices on about 15 of them. He sent me back prices on all of them and i replied which ones i wanted to buy. >>
I don't want this to get into a debate about the printed word but I think Lothar was pretty clear - he asked for the prices on ABOUT 15 of them - he sent him the individual prices on the entie lot and then Lothar replied back on the "ones i wanted to buy". Now Ryan doesn't say "how many" of the about 15 he wanted but I read it as - the guy wanted him to buy ALL of the "about 15" instead of the ones he selected from his initial request.
If I am wrong about this - Lothar will have to clarify - this is not a challenge or anything - just the way I read it.
Lothar - if you are reading this - how about some clarification - if I got it wrong - I apologize now for misunderstanding.
edit: to better hi-lite his quote
<< <i>your right mike i misread it originally >>
Classy of you to come back Steve.
Now I do have some questions: who really shot Kennedy? where is Hoffa buried? Is there really a Bermuda triangle? Why does Britney Spear's chest size look different everytime I see her? What is the meaning of life? Who invented liquid soap and why? Has anyone seen a black hole? What the hell is entropy? If a bear sh*ts in the woods and no one hears it, did it happen? How can the universe be infinite - there has to be a border doesn't there? Why is Teddy Kennedy's head getting larger everytime I see him on cspan? Why didn't Clinton have real sex with Monica?
And lastly, How many is about 15?
he gave the single prices on the ABOUT 15
I then Selected the ones I wanted of the ABOUT 15
BUT he wanted me to buy ALL of the ABOUT 15
this was not a LOT miswording on the top-sorry
This is all fine and good if your a lot seller or have not dealt with a person before...setting ground rule..wooopadee doodaaa....but when your a loyal customer ya hope to be able to buy what ya want .....especially if you agree to HIS prices......My point to this post this wrong to do this to a loyal customer and does this look like a ONE WAY DEAL??? im paying his prices and now he tells me i have to buy all or none???
you mean to tell me that u only wanted 1 card and he demands that you pay for all 15??? id tell the guy to take his cards and ...nevermind lol
as for mike "about 15" is like the timeshare shark who tried to sell me (all I wanted was the free dinner) a time share 20 years ago and when i asked how long will i have to pay for it he said ' a couple few years" turns out a couple few years was 10 years
ONES!!!! 7 to be exact!!!!!
And lastly, How many is about 15?
The single bullet that killed Kennedy and wounded Connally also killed Jimmy Hoffa.
Britney Spears chest is the Bermuda Triangle, so we always lose people in the ever changing boundaries.
The meaning of life - don't drop the soap in a black hole, and if you do, do not bend over to pick it up - get Britney Spears to do it.
The universe is expanding in direct proportion to Ted Kennedy's head.
If the Kennedy brothers were each assigned parts as one of the Three Stooges, I think that Ted would be Shemp.
Yes, Ted is the Shemp of the Kennedys.
Lothar - present this guy with a good outline of your past purchases, highlighting a few for which you paid good money. Ask him then for a break on future purchases while making sure to grease him a bit about his prior good service (fast delivery, good packaging, etc.). If he does not agree then look for someone else.
As for pushy dealers, we got legs - we can walk away. I won a card on eBay from a local seller who has a store, and, I offered to stop in to pay and pick up the card - easy deal. I get to the store, he buzzes me in, it's just the two of us. I give him my credit card and he says "No hurry - you think I'm going to let you leave here without selling you something else?" I've never been back and I never will go back. Pressure is a salesman's perogative; walking is mine (and yours).
"All evil needs to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
ONES!!!! 7 to be exact
lol I know I was just funning ya
"All evil needs to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
but when your a loyal customer ya hope to be able to buy what ya want .....especially if you agree to HIS prices......My point to this post this wrong to do this to a loyal customer and does this look like a ONE WAY DEAL??? im paying his prices and now he tells me i have to buy all or none???
If he is trying to push the whole lot off on you then id walk and tell him to keep his cards. The customer is king and should be able to buy or pass on whatever he/she wants. Also, If he has priced the cards to you and your a person who has done alot of business with the seller before then i think you should get a price break if he can afford to give a break on the cards.
Just my two cents.
Lothar52, I just sent you a PM as i have some 57's you may need. PLMK.
Funny stuff!
How did you know who?
It's a long weekend and last night we were having some fun - Lothar and I are friends.
This thread seems to be taking on legs - I reread Ryans original post and NO where does it state that he asked for a price on a LOT - he just asked how much for ABOUT 15 INDIVIDUAL cards - he even came back and clarified that - I don't think he is trying to muscle a dealer into an uneven deal. I got the idea, that due to the fact that he has paid full fare for cards in the past, he should not be forced into a lot purchase when he never asked for one. Did I miss something?
Although I tend to counter with "I'll make you an offer you can't refuse"