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Two-Cent Forum

I have searched across the web for a forum for those who wish to discuss Longacre's Two-Cent piece, but with no results. Are there others, as myself, who find themselves all alone in this vast field of numismatics with no one to discuss the fine points of this unusual copper denomination? I see references to a publication or site about Longacre, but from reading the notes believe it is more about his other work. I certainly would enjoy chatting with others about my speciality.


  • homerunhallhomerunhall Posts: 2,496 ✭✭✭
    I don't know much about Two Cent forums or discussions groups on the web...though I personally love the coins themselves.

    They are a little esoteric and their advocates are small in number. Perhaps that's why there's no website (that I know of.)

    You might want to try posting Two Cent stuff here and see what response you get.



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