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Ebay Auction Seller Fees Question

Some of these outrageous auctions got me to wondering.
A while back someone won a auction for several million dollars, then reneged on it.
I don't blame anyone.
I am sure there are other examples.
But would the seller be responsible for the fees for that auction and have to pay up?

Then there are the outrageous priced auctions where someone buys a coin for say $10.00 and then turns around and puts it back up for $5,000.00. Your still out the fees for a item even if no one takes the bait right?

I guess I need more coffee, to get my brain cells a going.



  • Options
    If the winning bidder fails to follow through on their committment you can recover the "Final Value Fee" from eBay by filling out a Non Paying Bidder form. You can also relist the item for free. If you list an item for a high starting bid and nobody buys it you are out your listing fee, but you don't have to pay the FVF. I believe you can also relist the item for free.

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