I hate stupid emails from stupid potential bidders

I'm trying to sell a couple GAI 10 hockey cards and have gotten about a dozen emails regarding this Forsberg GAI 10. My auction clearly states what it is with picture and everything. If I don't reply to stupid lame questions, then I feel I'm doing a disservice. "How can it only be 2 in the world? I'm looking at mine right now (from Sweden) and it's #64". What I really want to respond with is, "your card is a piece or raw crap" and not graded. Yes there were millions produced and yada yada yada. Also, what does graded mean? Argghhh......go away! Leave me alone.
Or you can just tell them they are stupid SOB's and block them from bidding--but I think the "nice" path is usually more condusive to getting more bids.
This is exactly how it's stated. I think under proper english/logic, the 2 comes after the first sentence. Seems that all my responses are redundant with my description, and they seem to accept it the 2nd time around although I've said nothing different. Here is your pacifier; now go away!
Your a moron. Get a job like your parents have begged you too.
Your repated use of the word stupid is redundant and self defining.
Loves me some shiny!
you probably should have said
Because, there may be other graded 10s from PSA, BVG, SGC or PRO...
I updated it and revised the others.
<< <i>EEK,
Your a moron. Get a job like your parents have begged you too.
Your repated use of the word stupid is redundant and self defining. >>
More helpful insight from one of the most friendly and understanding board members. Especially during work days, I only wish I could be as happy as you seem to be. Instead, I rely on you for that much needed smile every now and then. Thank you!
EEToddler, the typos have purpose and intent. They give you an "out". They allow to avoid stinging criticism
by focusing solely on their existence. Like a well trained chimp with a wiffle ball bat, you danced.
Your welcome.
Loves me some shiny!
My eBay Store
BigCrumbs! I made over $250 last year!
Please put me on your blocked bidder list. I welcome emails when I sell items. If you get this upset over an email, what do you do when it takes 8 days to receive payment?
Perhaps you might make your auction descriptions a bit more clear...
<< <i>Dancing chimps with wiffle ball bats? Is that a Wisconsin thing? >>
Couldn't find the wiffle ball bat, but apparently this site in the UK is popular.
My favorite is the Hustle.
Dancing Chimp
Music may sooth the savage board member, but dancing chimps will always make them stop insulting each other.
My eBay Store
BigCrumbs! I made over $250 last year!
<< <i>
EEToddler, the typos have purpose and intent. They give you an "out". They allow to avoid stinging criticism
by focusing solely on their existence. Like a well trained chimp with a wiffle ball bat, you danced.
youre lying.. you simply cant spell..
I thought we were pals.
Loves me some shiny!
A few days after he received the card, he sends me an email saying that he is distraught because the card was not perfectly centered (it was 45/55 or better).I tried explaining to him how the grades work. He was without a clue. I offered to refund him $30, advising him that his bid was about same above SMR. He took it. When I mailed him his refund, I enclosed a copy of the PSA grading standards. A few days later I get an email from him thanking me to no end, as he never understood grading. So, call him uninformed or "stupid" or whatever you like, but you have to expect this kind of thing from time to time as a seller, and be prepared to assist in the education of your potential buyers. IMO. Regards.
<< <i>cant = can't
I thought we were pals. >>
cant=spelled wrong -minus punctuation..
you'll notice that im not a fan of puncuation.. (as evident by my repeated incorrect use of "..")
its all good.. i just cant help but be a smart-a$$ sometimes.. we're pals!
Even though you think all I do is post negative. I consider it my witty reparte.
In fact I often crack myself up.
Plus, if I ever start collecting GU Jock Straps I am going to need your expertise!
Loves me some shiny!
Hey carew, if you have any other p.s. pics, I'd love to see them!
Thank you!
<< <i>I hate stupid emails from stupid potential bidders >>
You have to have patience....some people are born knowing everything..be it sports, politics, religion, sports cards & grading,etc. I'm sure you've met a few of these folks..heck I think there's even some on this board.
Then there's the rest of us that, unfortunately, have to learn as we make our way through life. And it's kind of depressing when you reach my age..60..and realize you still don't know everything. Luckily for me all my family & friends are in the same boat as me and don't mind questions.
Perhaps you should contact eBay and see if you can disable the "Ask Seller A Question" function for your auctions.
Now I'm wondering if these folks that know everything are the same ones that started on eBay with a feedback of 200+.. .. I believe we have a few of those on the board also..you know, the ones that have such disdain and suspicion for an eBayer with a 0 or low feedback rating.
My questions to you would be ( and I hope these don't sound too stupid ) :
1. Why are you deceiving bidders into thinking this is a rare card in a 10 when PSA's pop report shows the following :
Year - Company - Card No - Name --------------------- 5 -- 6 --- 7 ---- 8 ---- 9 --- 10 -- Total
1991 UPPER DECK - 64 - PETER FORSBERG ---- 2 -- 4 - 41 - 556 - 628 - 167 ---1399
If you add BGS's data to PSA's you'll find this card is about as rare as yet another BS artist like you ripping off ebay bidders.
2. Why are you spamming BGS an PSA in your auction title, when you're selling a card graded by GAI ?
3. Why are you throwing around numbers like $ 725 when SMR for a PSA 10 is about 40 bucks ?
4. Since it's actually easier to make money without cheating people, why don't you go do something productive with your life ?
5. Final question : how do you sleep at night ?
<< <i>Here's EagleEyeKid's auction
My questions to you would be ( and I hope these don't sound too stupid ) :
1. Why are you deceiving bidders into thinking this is a rare card in a 10 when PSA's pop report shows the following :
Year - Company - Card No - Name --------------------- 5 -- 6 --- 7 ---- 8 ---- 9 --- 10 -- Total
1991 UPPER DECK - 64 - PETER FORSBERG ---- 2 -- 4 - 41 - 556 - 628 - 167 ---1399
If you add BGS's data to PSA's you'll find this card is about as rare as yet another BS artist like you ripping off ebay bidders.
2. Why are you spamming BGS an PSA in your auction title, when you're selling a card graded by GAI ?
3. Why are you throwing around numbers like $ 725 when SMR for a PSA 10 is about 40 bucks ?
4. Since it's actually easier to make money without cheating people, why don't you go do something productive with your life ?
5. Final question : how do you sleep at night ? >>
deceiving bidders? it looks clear to me.. he is stating there are only 2 GAI 10s (Perfect) graded.. if its in fact true that the last "pristine" sold for $725, then THAT is why he is "throwing around numbers" like $725..
although *I* would never even BUY a Beckett graded card, we all know that "modern" Beckett 10's and even 9.5's bring more than PSA 10's.. am I right?
edited to say the PSA & BGS "Spamming" doesnt bother me, either.. the card has been graded by a reputable, albeit lesser known, company.. if it were NOT a graded card, then I would object to "spamming" PSA or BGS.. just my opinion.. and I think you guys are being a little harsh on him..
1) How am I deceiving anyone? Everything is stated clearly what it is with a picture. You bringing up the pop. report from PSA or BGS has nothing to do with this particular card. PSA may have 167 graded in Gem Mint 10, but do they have Pristine/Perfect grade? NO to PSA, and 1 to BGS. I realize there are millions of this card produced so it is not rare, but rare in the stated condition.
2)Spamming BGS, PSA, SGC in my title (the reputable companies) for cross reference. These are the only true real companies and I was pointing out that 3 of them have the pristine grade and out of the 3, only 2 of them have graded this card in this condition. Also, under Ebay's listing of category slabbed cards, everything falls under either BGS, PSA or other. I don't consider GAI or SGC as other as does Beckett magazine. They list the 4 top companies, with everyone else as other....CTA, MGS,PRO,TFA, etc. I see tons of other sellers use this, and if it becomes strict policy then I will never do it again.
3)The last BGS 10 pristine of this card sold for $725+ and I know the person who bought it. You can throw out the SMR value of $40 for Gem mint. This card is not gem mint, it's better! Again, PSA does not have a pristine grade.
4)How the hell am I cheating people? Please clarify. As far as being productive in life, I think I did a good job. I was an Ranger in Vietnam and took a bullet in my lumbar 4 at the age of 22 back in '73. Yes, I am in a wheelchair but it doesn't stop me from being productive. I work with Forsenic analysis in conjunction with CSI here in California.
5) Do I sleep well? Not really.
<< <i>
4) As far as being productive in life, I think I did a good job. I was an Ranger in Vietnam and took a bullet in my lumbar 4 at the age of 22 back in '73. Yes, I am in a wheelchair but it doesn't stop me from being productive. I work with Forsenic analysis in conjunction with CSI here in California. >>
Airborne! to you..
<< <i>Why are you spamming BGS an PSA in your auction title, when you're selling a card graded by GAI ? >>
I can the see the point for someone who is just looking for PSA to be misguided into viewing a potentially spammed item. BUT, at least in this case the card is from a legitimate grading company like GAI. This doesn't really get me. What bothers me - when searching for PSA and get spammed by a seller with Pro, Gem, Capital etc.!!
<< <i>Airborne! to you.. >>
All the way!
I just wonder what it would take to get EagleEyeKid to change his icon. That picture is messed up, man.
2005 Origins Old Judge Brown #/20 and Black 1/1s, 2000 Ultimate Victory Gold #/25
2004 UD Legends Bake McBride autos & parallels, and 1974 Topps #601 PSA 9
Rare Grady Sizemore parallels, printing plates, autographs
Nothing on ebay
You are a true hero in my eyes, and it just goes to show how unimportant all these fights over pieces of cardboard are,
but I still think your auction description is a bunch of BS.
Is it more frustrating answering questions about your auctions, or answering questions about your ethics, morals and direction in life from people on these boards?
By the way, we all appreciate your sacrifice and wish you well. I applaud Klownie for at least stating that even though he disagrees with your auction titles.
My eBay Store
BigCrumbs! I made over $250 last year!
I never had to do it before with BGS or PSA because everyone knows who they are. Maybe unconsciously, I just wanted to get the word out for Global. I'll just be glad once the auction ends this weekend sold or not. I may try the cross-over program which I'm still looking into. Can I still spam in the subtitle? J/K
<< <i>Can I still spam in the subtitle? >>
That shouldn't bother anyone, IMO. That would only be adding to your descriptive choice of words.
I have a few GAI 8's and they look pretty good to me. So, crossover is a good possibility for the ones I have - but, as we know, anything is possible when it comes to grading.
<< <i>I never had to do it before with BGS or PSA because everyone knows who they are. Maybe unconsciously, I just wanted to get the word out for Global. >>
exactly.. alot of people still dont know about GAI.. and if you want top dollar for your GAI cards, you BETTER put something else in the title..
Dont change your auction just because a couple people disagree with it.. your Forsberg auction is fine just how it is..
These GAI and SGC cards are potentially biddable cards that I won't see unless I remember to do a specific GAI or SGC search ... or leave out the grading service altogether. But then I'll get all the ungraded material and even non-cards, which I don't want to wade through.