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Battle of the Titan Slabs - Winner announced

PCGS beats NGC by $2.98

jeffnpcb is the winner!


Yesterday was 1c gallery and sub-title day on eBay so I listed some 10 day auctions. I had a 2004-P Edison S$1 in both NGC and PCGS that I listed. I also have a 1979 proof set with some hazing that I was going to crack out and spend, but instead it sounded like the makings of a contest. So here is how you can win the proof set

Guess the selling price of the following two coins:

#1) 2004-P Edison S$1 Proof PCGS PR69DCAM *NO RESERVE*
#2) 2004-P Edison S$1 Proof NGC PF69UCAM *NO RESERVE*

EDIT: New scoring method

Your score will be the total of absolute value of the delta between the selling price and guess for each coin. (Xpipe will explain if you have questions)
The lowest score wins. (In the event of a tie the person with the closest guess to a selling price wins)

Each auction opens at 1 cent and are pretty generic with the only difference being the grading company (and the photo).
Both close Friday July 2nd at 7:30 PM PST (the NGC coins closes 3 seconds later than the PCGS coin). Both have the same high shipping of $4.50 (plus an optional $2.50 insurance). You can make an entry up until the day of the auction (or until the thread dies, which will probably be tomorrow).

So #1 is the PCGS coin and #2 is the NGC coin. Enter your guess as

#1) $18.49
#2) $18.49

I will hunt down the winner Friday July 2nd after 7:30 PM

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since 8/1/6


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