Reporting fraud on ebay that relates to PCGS

in Q & A Forum
As you may have seen on one of the threads, there was a recent auction where the person printed up a home-made label saying it was a PCGS certification that clearly was not. These people may or may not be impacted by our emailing of them but they certainly would be if PCGS sent form letters to them to cease and desist. These types of auctions clearly can impact the name and reputation of PCGS.
So I suggest you all put together a simple form where we can submit an auction or other questionable item for review. Of course, I understand that this will be a manpower situation. So perhaps some pre-screening can be done. Even "deputize" a few volunteers to filter out the nonsense ones and leave the more serious ones for consideration is a possibility.
In any case, I think taking a pro-active stance on this issue can only help the industry and build good will for PCGS.
So I suggest you all put together a simple form where we can submit an auction or other questionable item for review. Of course, I understand that this will be a manpower situation. So perhaps some pre-screening can be done. Even "deputize" a few volunteers to filter out the nonsense ones and leave the more serious ones for consideration is a possibility.
In any case, I think taking a pro-active stance on this issue can only help the industry and build good will for PCGS.
We can contact eBay wheneever there is a problem and they are very responsive. if you or anyone else sees an obvious fraud going on, please contact Mike Sherman at PCGS.