Help I´m looking for Franklin Halves!

Hello dear coin collector!
As you can see I´m new to this forum.
But I have to say it is a very interesting forum!
I was browsing through a lot of topix.
Now my question:
I have strated to collect Franklin Halves in PCGS 64 FBL.
Yes I live in Germany and as looking also at Ebay, but many dont want to send the coins outside the US.
I dont know wich devil has made me to collect US coins (?!) but I think they are GREAT!
If you are interested in German or Danish coins I will be glad to make a swap. Otherwise I would like to buy the missing coins.
Maybe I can also get some special coins if needed from here?
The coins I´m looking for are:
01. 1948
05. 1949 S
06. 1950
07. 1950 D
09. 1951 D
10. 1951 S
13. 1952 S
14. 1953
16. 1953 S
22. 1957
24. 1958
25. 1958 D
26. 1959
30. 1961
32. 1962
33. 1962 D
34. 1963
I can offer the following coins if interested:
18. 1954 D PCGS MS 64
19. 1954 S PCGS MS 64 and ANACS MS 64
24. 1958 ANACS MS 64
25. 1958 D PCGS MS 64
26. 1959 ANACS MS 64
32. 1962 ANACS MS 64
33. 1962 D PCGS MS 64
34. 1963 D ANACS MS 64
I have also a lot of older german 10 Mark silver coins (complete set in BU) and the new 10 Euro silver coins (BU)
and some other Franklins with are graded by some coin experts, but not official!
It would be great if someone have something interesting for me!
I have also always some nice coins at ebay under my name "eric1509"
Thanks for now and hope to get some nice answeres!
As you can see I´m new to this forum.
But I have to say it is a very interesting forum!
I was browsing through a lot of topix.
Now my question:
I have strated to collect Franklin Halves in PCGS 64 FBL.
Yes I live in Germany and as looking also at Ebay, but many dont want to send the coins outside the US.
I dont know wich devil has made me to collect US coins (?!) but I think they are GREAT!
If you are interested in German or Danish coins I will be glad to make a swap. Otherwise I would like to buy the missing coins.
Maybe I can also get some special coins if needed from here?
The coins I´m looking for are:
01. 1948
05. 1949 S
06. 1950
07. 1950 D
09. 1951 D
10. 1951 S
13. 1952 S
14. 1953
16. 1953 S
22. 1957
24. 1958
25. 1958 D
26. 1959
30. 1961
32. 1962
33. 1962 D
34. 1963
I can offer the following coins if interested:
18. 1954 D PCGS MS 64
19. 1954 S PCGS MS 64 and ANACS MS 64
24. 1958 ANACS MS 64
25. 1958 D PCGS MS 64
26. 1959 ANACS MS 64
32. 1962 ANACS MS 64
33. 1962 D PCGS MS 64
34. 1963 D ANACS MS 64
I have also a lot of older german 10 Mark silver coins (complete set in BU) and the new 10 Euro silver coins (BU)
and some other Franklins with are graded by some coin experts, but not official!
It would be great if someone have something interesting for me!
I have also always some nice coins at ebay under my name "eric1509"
Thanks for now and hope to get some nice answeres!
Scandinavian and US coins are my pleasure!
I have the 1959 in PCGS MS-64FBL.
All of my Franklins are listed on my website. A link is in my signature line. Please let me know if you see anything of interest.
click to email me
ebay auctions for ronsrarecoin-com
P.S. In the 1953-S you may have to settle for an MS non-FBL coin there, super expensive!
...but most of 'em are circulated.
Hello Ron!
Thanks for your answere!
I´m just bidding on a 1959 at ebay, but maybe I will come back to you if I dont have luck at ebay!
Thanks a lot
Thanks for your answeres!
I was really surprised about all your answeres.
Yes I know, the 1953 S will be a problem! But only in MS 64 will also be ok!
Good luck with your collection! Hope we are not bidding on the same coins
Thanks fot the tip, I was looking at her ebay auction
Thanks, but sorry, your link does not work?
TommyB, lordmarcovan:
You have been a big help for me.
& Welcome to the boards. Good luck in your quest for the Franklins.
I feel the need to warn member that have not dealt with mailing packages outside the US/Canada that the process can very frustrating. This is probably why some eBayers don't want to send coins outside the US.
I am in the middle of a trade with a member from the Netherlands where the coins he sent me where returned to him & the coins I sent him are ?????.
Luckily I insured the coins, but I now have to go through the process of filing a claim.......I don't know if other countries make receiptiants sign for their packages.
I have check with others that have dealt with this same member who have replied they had no problem with their it may be a crap shoot as to whether or not there will be a problem.
I don't want to discourage anyone from dealing with you, just want to inform all who have not sent items to another country the packages have to pass customs, packages may not have to be signed for (don't knnow for sure), and delivery time may be L-O-N-G.
click to email me
ebay auctions for ronsrarecoin-com
Thanks for your add!
I know it is always a problem to send coins and other items above the "border".
Specially problems with the costums, in my case the german costums.
But the most seller helped me and only declare the value for about 40 $.
If the value is above I have to pay about 20 % tax to the german costums!
I have sold a lot of coins by ebay to the US and other contries and also bought a lot of coins
from outside. Specially the US post is very high in the fees for registered mail (about 12 $).
Yes I have lost some items under the transport, as buyer and also as seller. But if the items have been in registered mail
I always got the amout for the lost items back from the post. (up to 40 $)
The second problem is that it is not possible to send letters as "value" like to most other countries. With these option
you can insure the letter for more than the normal amount as for a registered letter (normaly about 40 $)
In germany we dont use that what you call "tracking number" for mail, the only way to follow a letter
is to send it as registered mail and the fee for this is only about 2,50 $ not like the 12 $ for US Post and the
"insurance" is about the same, ca. 40 $ for a lost letter.
You can see I really can understand why not all want to send outside the US.
But I know the risk for that but I can also tell you that the lost of items (registered or normal mail) is under 1 %.
I really can say I will trust the postal service worldwide!
I wish you good luck with the coins from Netherland!