WTB very thin seated dime

On the way home from my fathers funeral last night I was rearend by a 17 year kid with no DL or Ins. Hit me at about 30mph or so and bent the hel out of my van and chair but not Lori or I. My fetish with safety belts and tiedowns really paided off this time. The semi-bummer is that it knocked the 1857 dime out of my keychain. I have searched the van. It has to be at the wreck site. I know the old dime had been in the family for at least 100 years and I feel I should replace it. It has to be in G-VG so it fits the picture frame thingy that held it.
PM me and I'll do Paypal when needed.
Thanks guys
PM me and I'll do Paypal when needed.
Thanks guys
Need something designed and 3D printed?
oops and never mind that, you have my condolances on your dad
I hope all returns to normal soon for you John.
Go BIG or GO HOME. ©Bill