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100.00/pack nonsense brough to you by FLEER

Here is the link to the write up. Take a read and then lest compare notes:

Fleer Flair Final......

OK, so these are going to be 100 dollars a pack....ok what is fleer offering for that?

25 rookies numbered to ...no not 50 or 100....no not 250 or 500.......750!!!!!!!!!!! For those of you scoring
at home that makes the print run of this stuff to be around 19,975 boxes...Fleer will make less but that
means the total price of this product is a shade under 2 million dollars!!

So you get one autograph per pack....they gave examples of the best 6 from the list....Vince, Melo, TMac,Reggie
Wade and Pierce....ahhhhh I only see you getting your money back on 2 possibly three of those guys...oh and
don't forget the other 69 players!!!!

OK so they loaded it up with one of ones a la playoff...ahhh not so fast.....only 225 of them so they pull one
in every 88 boxes.......yes thats 8800 dollars for a one of one.

Three GU per box too...this also limited at a scarce 250!

Fleer must really think we are idiots, 100 bucks a pack for this crap?? No Lebrons, No Kobe's, NO MJ's.....They
have to list Paul Pierce as the 6th best card you can get?????????????????????????

This is a joke right?



  • That's insane. Didn't P.T. Barnum once say there is a Fleer customer born every minute?
  • Bighurt4Bighurt4 Posts: 384
    Yeah Joe, and the joke is on it's "valued" customers.

    Bo Jackson Basic(#1) and Master(#1)
    Bob Feller Basic(#4)
    Sam McDowell Basic(#1)
    2004 Cracker Jack Master

    My Ebay Store
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Flair also features autographs from some of the biggest names in the game. Players featured include: Vince Carter, Carmelo Anthony, Tracy McGrady, Reggie Miller, Dwyane Wade, Paul Pierce and more. >>

    You nailed it - conspicuously MIA are the money auto cards!!!!
  • ctsoxfanctsoxfan Posts: 6,246 ✭✭
    Lebron can only sign for UD (and I think MJ also), which is why they are not present. But, this is really a pale imitation of Ultimate Collection (which is a rip-off in itself). These really high end packs are mocked all the time, but whenever I go to a show, most dealers claim this type of stuff is among their best selling packs. Heck, I even dropped $450 on an Ultimate box last week.

    This Flair product though - not a chance.
  • envoy98envoy98 Posts: 4,000 ✭✭
    I took a gamble on the Flair baseball....and lost.

    What a joke.

    I got some guy from the Indians (Ochoa?) for my RC, a baldelli bat (#/250), Palmeiro Jsy (#/250) and a Pedro Jsy #7/8 that I sold on ebay for $22. I'll be lucky to get $5 for the other gu. Oh and a Dan Haren auto. I think #/250 as well.


    At least with UD you have the chance to get Lebron, Kobe or MJ. And several times this year I got one of them. Kobe 2x, Lebron 2x and MJ 1x. I even got Melo 2x. In every other companies stuff I got nothing. Except for a Wade Chrome Ref from Topps Chrome, that was nice.

    I would expect this product to not do too well. I saw the baseball counterpart selling in KC this weekend for $88 and by Sunday it was $76. He still didn't sell it all. Strangely the Timeless Treasures was going like crazy. I bought into the hype and pulled a Jose Canseco jsy #/88. Woe is me. image
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