Paypal personal account question
Posts: 361
Any seller uses a Paypal personal account on ebay for selling? I'm thinking getting a personal account to use for low $ items ($1 - 10 range) that I sell since paypal charges $0.30 + 2.9% on premier/business account. I'm aware of the personal account limit of $1000/month. Do you have to use del. confirm/tracking when you sell on personal account? If you do, how much before you put del. confirm on an item you sell? I don't like charging buyer 0.55 cents for del. confirmation when total is just let say $3.00. Do you wait to have $$ sweep to your bank before sending the item? Any seller encountered problems?
RIP Snow
I will provide Delivery Confirmation for orders over $25.00. It is suggested that YOU the buyer provide for insurance on any orders above $50. Any orders over $100 I will ship USPS with Signature Confirmation. There are to many "unscrupulous" people out there. If you become a regular buyer things will obviously change as we both gain trust for one another. You don't like what you get send it back on your dime LETTING ME KNOW FIRST we may be able to work something out. I provide high quality scans, there is NO REASON you should get something other then what was displayed on the auction listing.
What I was told to do was use return receipt with restricted delivery. With that feature, only the recipient can sign for the package. With signature confirmation or just insurance, anyone can sign for it.
I've used that feature on orders of a few hundred or more.
knlsports, I was checking out stamps and endicia before. I think they're good for powersellers saves trip to post office and offers third party insurance. Just that I don't have much to sell. I'll check the usps website.
thanks for all the inputs.
for premier/business accounts you get fixed charge .30 + 2.9% regardless of type of payment received (from bank, credit card or paypal balance). Personal account can't accept cr. card and has $1,000 limit/month.
I was reading on paypal website that you can downgrade prem/bus. acct once to personal. you can't go back and forth. Also personal acct. don't have ATM/debit card like prem/bus. you have to sweep the money to your bank acct to get it.
From what others say here you still need del. confirmation for expensive items as proof of delivery in case of dispute.
I asked paypal cust service if they will reduce fee for bank or paypal bal. paymentreceived, the cust. service was silent for a moment couldn't give me an answer. I also told him that I no longer accept paypal payments from international buyers since they give no protection to sellers. He said there a ways to provide tracking such as UPS, Fedex (yeah right!). I told him I do not like the additional 1% crossborder fee that they charge for receiving international payment. That's 0.30 + 2.9% + 1%.
US Prem/bus. acct charge (paypal fees) receiving:
US payments: 0.30 + 2.9%
international payments: 0.30 +2.9% + 1%