Why Is The Concept Of Showing A Little Consideration So Hard To Grasp?

Even the kids on the sports B/S/T board are able to follow the rules without having to be reminded on a regular basis. If any of you feel so strongly that whatever rules are in place do not apply to you, then please feel free to buy a server, pay for some decent software, find some fool with no life to moderate, and then start up your own sooper-dooper board to do with as you please. Until then, let's just try to have this place flow smoothly.
Forum AdministratorPSA & PSA/DNA ForumModerator@collectors.com | p 800.325.1121 | PSAcard.com
Perhaps you should lock a thread at the top of the board with the official rules. You see, when people start being sticklers for the rules then perhaps the rules need to be clearly defined by the rule makers and not by the peanut gallery.
J&J Coins
Wild Ebay Toners for sale
The big O
How sad that we will have to post a rule sheet for this board and keep it at the top in perpetuity. Amazing that this will be the ONLY board that we have had to take such action. You would think that it would dawn on some folks that posting 5 threads listing 5 lots on ebay and TTTing on the hour every hour might not be a civil or considerate thing to do in light of the fact that there are many others limiting their offers to one thread.
Forum AdministratorPSA & PSA/DNA ForumModerator@collectors.com | p 800.325.1121 | PSAcard.com
Interesting. So that's the extent of the rules? Then what was all the internet vomit about this morning? Looks like somebody got their undies in a bunch over nothing... again!
Well, not really.
Confessional hours are from 6-9PM Tuesday and Thursday.
Forum AdministratorPSA & PSA/DNA ForumModerator@collectors.com | p 800.325.1121 | PSAcard.com
I have been on this board for quite some time.
I have seen the bickering, in fact this thread, technically, should not be on this board, but.....
1. Who the administrator of this board is-the one with the power to give someone the boot
2. If there are rules governing this board. My understanding is that we have unofficial guidelines we wish all would adhere to, but not real rules.
There should be exceptions to the multiple thread rule. A post to sell should be able to co-exist with a post to buy/trade; if you have an old post that is one page 10 & you decide to sell other coins & create a new thread, then someone TTT or replies to the old thread you should not get burn at the stake for.
It's when someone creates 5 threads for 5 coins all at the same time that burns me.
<< <i>A post to sell should be able to co-exist with a post to buy/trade; if you have an old post that is one page 10 & you decide to sell other coins & create a new thread, then someone TTT or replies to the old thread you should not get burn at the stake for >>
That's common sense
As for getting booted to the twilight zone, all I have to do is two clicks of the mouse.
Forum AdministratorPSA & PSA/DNA ForumModerator@collectors.com | p 800.325.1121 | PSAcard.com
That's common sense
We're getting warmer! How about starting 4 threads bashing someone for doing something that the moderator declares is ok by common sense?
<< <i>Bill
How sad that we will have to post a rule sheet for this board and keep it at the top in perpetuity. Amazing that this will be the ONLY board that we have had to take such action. You would think that it would dawn on some folks that posting 5 threads listing 5 lots on ebay and TTTing on the hour every hour might not be a civil or considerate thing to do in light of the fact that there are many others limiting their offers to one thread. >>
My $.02 cents - A rule sheet stickied at the top would be great. I have been to lots of forums that do that and it cuts down on problems like the ones being talked about here. I for one did not see any of the rules when coming here but I personally know from other forums in general what is acceptable and what is not. Even though in most cases it is common sense, some people just don't seem to grasp certain concepts.
How sad that we will have to post a rule sheet for this board and keep it at the top in perpetuity
Who really gives a rat's if it's "sad"
Post the rules. Constantly bumping your reminders isn't working.
This reminder doesn't even state the flippin' rules, who's breaking them, and how they're being broken.
Please post the "rules" for all the newbies, and the people who have no idea that there are actually "rules" (aka your "5-thread" person). It may actually cut down on your hassle time.
First, Use one thread for multiple listings of whatever you're selling and second don't move the thread to the top more than once a day.
Whats so hard about that?
Looking for PCGS AU58 Washington's, 32-63.
1.People who know the rules and choose to break them
2.People who are unaware of the rules and unintentionally break them
Let’s target the people in the second class because these lame “reminders” generally do not deter intentional rule-breaking.
Put yourself in the shoes of someone unaware of the existence of these “unsaid” rules. Where the heck do these people go to find the rules???? How are they supposed to know the “culture” of the BST board when no one informs them. And it’s not a questing of “consideration” because these people don’t understand that they’re acting “inconsiderate” in the first place!!! Some don’t even know what “TTT” means.
I can tell you they will not go to a thread entitled, “Why Is The Concept Of Showing A Little Consideration So Hard To Grasp?” to find the rules.
A thread needs to be posted in a conspicuous place with a title that reads something like “Important rules for posting to this forum” or similar. Keep it at the top for a few weeks then let it go to be TTT’d as needed.
I hear so much complaining about this topic but see zero preventive action. If this is a topic creates such anxiety, then Do something about it!
1. Post the rules and consequences.
2. For rule breakers, post a warning IN THEIR THREAD and make them aware of their “violation” so they know it is their actions that are contrary to the rules.
3. If they continue to be “inconsiderate” follow through with the posted consequences.
If this is done, thing should shape up fairly quickly...and from then on it will just be the occasional newbie poster who needs the gentle reminder.
SPM1 you got my vote.
Go BIG or GO HOME. ©Bill
Russ, NCNE
I dunno.
who have lost our way
Baaa, Baaa, Baaa.
We are not as stupid as
we look....No one could be that stupid.