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Cert # look-up question

I have a card I entered into my resistry and it wouldn't take it. I went to the cert # and manually looked it up. The # showed the correct card, but the grade said N/A.. Is this common? Do I just need to send a email with the flip and card showing it? What causes this, just a computer error? Thanks for the help..



  • Sounds like a computer error. Why don't you give PSA Customer Service a call, they should be able to at least direct you in the right place.
    Collector of T cards and other pre war
  • any luck with this?
    Collector of T cards and other pre war
  • Actually, I emailed PSA and they told me to send a scan of the front and back of the card. Before I had a chance to do it, I checked the registry and the card had been added. I guess it was just a fluke. I was releived, I thought maybe it was a possible card swap..

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