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Card Sales by cross-eyed man on ebay

Take a look at this card paying close attention to the description.

One can only conclude that the seller is cross-eyed.


  • Hilarious! That was a good one. I even crossed my eyes to look at the card. It does look 50/50 when you do that! LOL

    Isn't the cross-eyed man the guy that Harrison Ford was after in the Fugitive movie?


    7 MVP awards, the single season HR record, career walks record, single season walks record, 700HR/500SB, and two batting titles near 40 years old. How can one argue that those aren't stats of the greatest to ever play the game??? All this and there is still more to come!!!! Bonds:2005 NL MVP. Or are you going to doubt him again?
  • SoFLPhillyFanSoFLPhillyFan Posts: 3,931 ✭✭
    This one from the same seller is good too.

    59 Mantle sale

    "has that fresh-out-of-the-pack look and no visible signs of wear. Sharp color, including an unblemished red background, nice corner, good centering front and back, high original gloss, a clean back, plus a great shot of Mick at the peak of his career. "

  • I got inside info that the person selling these cards is none other than Marty Feldman ( Igor from Young Frankenstein ). He's a big card collector! Is he still alive? Still cross eyed?


    7 MVP awards, the single season HR record, career walks record, single season walks record, 700HR/500SB, and two batting titles near 40 years old. How can one argue that those aren't stats of the greatest to ever play the game??? All this and there is still more to come!!!! Bonds:2005 NL MVP. Or are you going to doubt him again?
  • It's funny that "TheRoach" posted, I think the guy was posting after he smoked "aRoach" No harm intended Roach, I thought I'd TRY to make a funny!!

  • No offense taken. I actually agree with. I don't know why people pump up the description of a graded card anyway? A PSA 6 is pretty much a PSA 6, right? I mean if the centering is better than a 6, then it more than likely has a small crease or other flaw to bring the overall grade down to a PSA 6.


    7 MVP awards, the single season HR record, career walks record, single season walks record, 700HR/500SB, and two batting titles near 40 years old. How can one argue that those aren't stats of the greatest to ever play the game??? All this and there is still more to come!!!! Bonds:2005 NL MVP. Or are you going to doubt him again?
  • Marty be dead. He was fabulous in 'Young Frankenstein"!!
  • not a funny joke in my opinion. people w/crossed eyes suffer from a serious medical condition which often leads to blindness later on in life. while surgical (and non surgical) options exist to fix this condition, they're not always successful and often lead to complications down the road.
  • DhjacksDhjacks Posts: 343 ✭✭
    I can understand filling them in with this info, but seeming to come down on them is a bit too pc in my opinion.
    Working on 1969 through 1975 Basketball.
  • "Dead Perfect Centering!"

    Maybe DEAD perfect is the opposite of perfect.
    Ole Doctor Buck of the Popes of Hell

  • mudflap02mudflap02 Posts: 2,060 ✭✭
    I'm still trying to figure out how he won 5 World Series but only 2 World Championships.
  • pandrewspandrews Posts: 7,598 ✭✭✭

    << <i>not a funny joke in my opinion. people w/crossed eyes suffer from a serious medical condition which often leads to blindness later on in life. while surgical (and non surgical) options exist to fix this condition, they're not always successful and often lead to complications down the road. >>

    I understand it could lead to blindness later in life. Thats unfortunate. However, I believe the point of these posts is that a potentially blind man isn't the best judge of card centering.
  • jrdolanjrdolan Posts: 2,549 ✭✭
    Maybe he meant to say the centering is perfectly dead.
  • my comment wasn't meant to come off as me being the 'pc police' or anything. it's just that i've notice that cross-eyed jokes are 1 of the few 'acceptable' (so people think) areas that people still joke about- i.e., in the movie 'view from the top', mike meyers plays a crossed-eyed person and jokes 'this is my good eye' etc. i just don't think such jokes are appropriate- it's not like the person can do anything to correct the condition like people can arguably do to correct other conditions that are joked about (alcoholism, obesity, smoking, etc.). not everyone has the luxury of medical insurance (and surgeries often fail/lead to more problems) or can afford expensive non surgical options like Botox (most people don't realize it's used for correcting crossed-eyes, even though it's only temporary- 6 months) or vision therapy. perhaps i was too sensitive about the post, but i don't think it's appropriate to make jokes about serious situations.
  • VarghaVargha Posts: 2,392 ✭✭
    Almost all jokes at the expense of almost all people are acceptable in my book. Besides, there seems to be prevalent activity by certain board members that can also lead to blindness which is much more worrisome IMO. image
  • Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,438 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>perhaps i was too sensitive about the post, but i don't think it's appropriate to make jokes about serious situations. >>

    Crosseyed jokes are so colloquially used, I don't think anything personal would be meant by anyone. My wife is being treated for a recent affliction which renders her cross eyed. It is very uncomfortable and scary for her.
  • Sorry, I got a little defensive.. With most diseases, physical conditions, etc.. Most people have accepted the fact. That's how people deal with certain conditions. Making jokes isn't harmful. what's harmful is the lack of knowledge.. Sorry for the rant...

  • ttt
  • NickMNickM Posts: 4,895 ✭✭✭
    Almost all jokes at the expense of almost all people are acceptable in my book. Besides, there seems to be prevalent activity by certain board members that can also lead to blindness which is much more worrisome IMO.

    Vargha is right. Stop looking at your cards under a 10x loupe. It makes you go blind.

    Reap the whirlwind.

    Need to buy something for the wife or girlfriend? Check out Vintage Designer Clothing.
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