Prior military baseball players

Just an observation.... I'm collecting the '52 Topps baseball set and probably 80% of the cards I have now indicate that the player pictured spent some time in the service during WWII. Most of them spent 3-4 years in the service and in all different branches. I wonder how many of the crybaby ball players of today were actually prior military?
<< <i>I wonder how many of the crybaby ball players of today were actually prior military? >>
In deference to the players of today, there was a call to arms in 1941 that is unparalleled in history. Many players volunteered and I would bet many were drafted. With the advent of the all volunteer Army, no one gets singled out for dodging the draft and the 'need' had changed also. It would probably take a martian invasion to see who steps up to the plate.
Just my take.
Personally, I put my college career on hold back in 1990 to join the military and was there throughout the first Iraqi war. Now, granted I'm not making the kind of bank players make, but it was a significant sacrifice for me to take four years out of my life to serve.
My 1952 Topps Baseball Set
I found this regarding Hank Greenberg
Greenberg, then a bachelor, was one of the first major leaguers inducted into the service, entering 19 games into the 1941 season. He was discharged from the army on December 5, 1941, two days before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. He immediately enlisted as an officer candidate in the Air Corps. Hank served with distinction in the Far East until his discharge in mid-1945. He returned with a bang, with a home run in his first game. His grand slam on the final day of the season won the pennant for the Tigers. In the WS win over the Cubs, he hit two more homers and batted in seven runs.
<< <i>Even with a huge call to arms today >>
Not even if the Martians invaded?
My 1952 Topps Baseball Set
<< <i>I'm sure we might even see Bonds >>
Report: martians invade, Bonds goes to war - the world wins. Topps produces War of the Worlds trading cards - Bonds PULLS card citing insufficient compensation for likeness.
<< <i>In deference to the players of today, there was a call to arms in 1941 that is unparalleled in history >>
I saw a bio on Hank greenberg, he actually enlisted before Pearl Harbor, in the prime of his career...jay
<< <i>lol, ok Mike, if the Martians invaded I'm sure we might even see Bonds and ARod out there toting machine guns. Of course, then you KNOW the world is going to end (or hell has frozen of the two).
we might need Bonds to stay on 'roids..
"All evil needs to triumph is for good men to do nothing."