Anyone here ever deal with "shaderise" or "Lawrence Stafford" on eBay?
Posts: 1,677 ✭✭
I was just checking out some of the auctions he/they have on eBay, and there is something about their design that just seems a bit "familiar" if you know what I mean <cough California cough>. Anyone ever deal with him/them? Do I have a reason to be concerned?
Who is Rober Maris?
if you're talking about WIWAG, they just use the same auction software/format. no need to be concerned
Great job grabing that 1951 Bowman Campanella autograph.
I'm working on an autographed HOF type set and need a 51 Bowman. I just couldn't pull the trigger.
Enjoy the card.
<< <i>cardmrchnt6ta4 uses a very similar (albeit reversed) format, and i know he's legit. >>
<< <i>Sean:
Great job grabing that 1951 Bowman Campanella autograph.
I'm working on an autographed HOF type set and need a 51 Bowman. I just couldn't pull the trigger.
Enjoy the card. >>
There is no need to feel uneasy about my auctions. I assure you that I am in no way affiliated with wiwag or anyone else.
P.S. schr1st- You should have bid on the Marichal card, it would have made great auto material and was so close to an "8" it wasn't funny.
What does WIWAG stand for?
My 1952 Topps Baseball Set