50 State 10 Coin Collectors Box - where can I find one? Help!!!
Back in 2001 (while the U.S. Mint was still selling them), I purchased a collector's edition box (navy blue) that holds 10 ea. of the 10-coin proof sets. Not realizing at the time that I was going to collect each year of the clad and silver sets, I only purchased one of these boxes. I would like to store all of my clad sets in one and my silver sets in the other - so I need an additional box. I have checked eBay for months....and have had absolutely no luck. I have seen a few of the 5-coin collector's boxes....but none of the 10-coin collector boxes. If anyone has any information about WHERE I may be able to get my hands on one of these....it would greatly appreciated! My email address is tobyleach@msn.com. Thanks,
Toby Leach
Toby Leach
I may be able to help but I can't guarantee you anything. I was looking for the same boxes several months ago. I found one at a local show here in Charlotte and met a local man who had the second one I needed. I believe he also had a couple more but I can't remember exactly how many. If you are still interested I will try to contact him and find out if he still has any available. If he doesn't I think there is another coin show here the first week of June and I may be able to locate one there. If I find someone who has one I'll forward their contact info to you so you can deal directly with them. Good luck!
Al Wilson