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I finally know the joys of submitting coins and getting back higher grades!

TheLiberatorTheLiberator Posts: 1,023 ✭✭✭
Now I know why everyone posts when they get their coins back! it's fun!!! I submitted 5 coins to ngc. A barber half came back body bagged for cleaning image. A "PCI 65" washington quarter crackout came back 64. image

BUT....an 1899 raw morgan my dad bought 10 years ago for 70 bucks as an ms63 came back as an ms65! I checked auction prices and it goes for anywhaere from 575 to 650 bucks! image

I also had a trade dollar upgrade from a very fine 20 to an ef 40 and a seated liberty go from a vf 2- to a vf 35.

yay!! That was fun image


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