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OT: Rick Reilly's latest article



  • zsz70zsz70 Posts: 541
    SI did slap Tillman in the face.
    They slapped him and his family very hard and they should be ashamed of
    themselves. This has to be one of the most disgraceful
    things ever written. . . .. Here's why.

    Pat Tillman made his own decision to fight terrorists after
    seeing his own American people jump to and burn to their
    death on September 11th. He turned down millions of dollars
    to do this.

    SI is directly questioning Pat Tillman's motives to fight and
    die for his people. They are questioning whether the fight
    in Afghanistan against the people who made us cry and grieve is worth it.

    I'm a schoolteacher. If terrorists machined gunned my
    students in my school, and I died sticking up for my students,
    and left my wife and kids behind, it would be disgusting for
    an SI writer to question if my decision was the right one.

    For those of you on this board who can't see the disgrace
    in this, then you should move to another country immediately.

  • unishipuniship Posts: 496 ✭✭
    anybody know of a good burger joint in Vegas?
  • RG58RG58 Posts: 119
    not to drag out this debate but...


    I don't think anyone on this board that questions our intentions in Iraq is disrespecting Pat Tillman and his family. You are confusing two different issues. A willingness to fight for democracy and rid the world of a terrorist is a noble act and I doubt you would find many draft dodgers on this board. However, we have the right to question those making decisions about the best way to go about fighting terrorism.

    Toppsgunn- man, listening to you is scary- comparing WWII and this war in Iraq is like calling an apple an orange. If you wish to use that analogy, then unfortunately the world is looking at us as the Nazi regime this time... that is a thought I care not to even think about. You should leave WWII out of this argument as I feel you are disrespecting the thousands of American lives lost for a truly noble reason.
  • toppsguntoppsgun Posts: 787
    rg58 said, "you are disrespecting the thousands of American lives lost for a truly noble reason."

    Many thought at the time and for decades hence, Vietnam was not a noble enough reason to go to war. Try telling that to the families of 58,000 who died serving their country in that conflict. If you live long enough, you will come to realize that a volunteer soldier, sailor, airman or Marine who honors his uniform, nation and commander is worthy of respect. You are free to hold differing political views, but once the fire starts to fly, the least you could do is give the boys some respect.

    If you think dying in a United States military uniform is less than noble, regardless of the cause or field of battle, then you, sir are the ignoble American.

    Shame, shame, shame on you for comparing the United States military in Iraq to Nazi Germany. We have freed a country and the world from a madman dictator who carried out Hitler-like acts against his own people.

    Don't forget that in the Pacific theatre, we were attacked first and responded with force. The 9/11 attacks on our soil will be dealt with regardless of soft bellies such as yourself.
  • DaBigHurtDaBigHurt Posts: 1,066 ✭✭
    So because you support W's decision to thrust the country into this quagmire, you're somehow 'tougher' in real life and not a soft belly? LOL

    As if civilians enlisting into the military for jobs, training, education, etc somehow legitimizes this laughable hunt for WMDs and the actions of this administration. Unfortunately, you'll now drop this sorry argument. It was funny while you were making it though! You actually thought you were correct because no one called you on it! teehee


    GO MARLINS! Home of the best fans in baseball!!
  • toppsguntoppsgun Posts: 787
    Quagmire? Now I'm LOL.

    You're funny. A Bertrand Russell quote fits you to a T: "Most men would rather die than think. Many do." Don't let Dan, Peter and Tom do all your thinking for you. It's time for a reality check review.

    One year ago, we lobbed a few bombs and the roaches scattered to their dark holes. We nabbed a few (one in particular). A few of their buddies crossed over from Iran and Syria to help. They ambush truck drivers. That makes the news. What you don't hear reported is what's not newsworthy because it doesn't support the left's effort to discredit Bush and the troops.

    You make a serious mistake in underestimating Bush. He ain't his daddy. What's hilarious is if Bush had done nothing, the same people (no doubt including you) would have your panties all in a wad and be talking treason and collusion with the enemy (Saudi Royal Prince).

    The WMD's are not nuclear power plants. They're carried around in a test tube in someone's shirt pocket, probably now in Syria or the desert on the road to there. The whole world knows Iraq has (had) them. You don't really want to find them, do you? I know I don't. One of those middle eastern man-hugs and kissy face and that test tube will crack and those two will get their 72 virgins.

    Me, tough? Are you kidding? I'm just a baseball card collecting nerd with a keyboard. Now that you've won, you'll drop it, I'm sure. Let's pick it up again on Nov. 3. Or maybe the day Bin Laden is flushed out (10:1 it's before the election...but you already knew that).
  • DaBigHurtDaBigHurt Posts: 1,066 ✭✭
    Why of course we're not in a quagmire! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! hahahahaha

    But I'm all for leaving this dead horse lie. You won't change your mind and I won't change mine, and I'll leave it at that.

    GO MARLINS! Home of the best fans in baseball!!
  • toppsguntoppsgun Posts: 787
    By way of offering a perspective on this that 99% of people simply don't realize, I submit the following Opinion Piece which is well researched and conclusive as far as I'm concerned.

    It is rather long, but worth the read. Of course, many will choose their own thinking in spite of it, but there it is nonetheless.
  • still waiting for GeorgePatton to randomly appear and back up Toppsgun.

    maybe he's on vacation

    Nah, not on vacation just working. I only have the chance to post a few times a day unlike you who can post every 5 minutes.

    BTW, the only person i back one hundred percent is Stephan Lucas, besides it seems that Toppsgun has everything under control.
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