What era?Challenge for the experts
Posts: 9
Can somebody help me identify and estimate the value of this coin
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Josh Moran
CIVITAS Galleries, Ltd.
I would go with what Civitas said. Probably not worth a lot in that grade, but interesting, and quite ancient. Looks like it was sea-salvaged, or buried in low-lying ground near the water table. Neat.
Edited to answer your question about value: I don't think there is any way to put a value on it without an exact attribution, which may not be possible. My wild guess would be around five bucks, but admittedly, that's just pulling a number out of thin air.
The sun-ray-like spoke is also seen on Celtic coins as well. But then,
that Athena head is a very Greek design type, as others have said.
Would certainly be worthwhile to keep researching it-- sometimes it seems hopeless, then one day you run across a picture plate that exactly matches your mystery coin and bingo!
it would point to the fact that it was brought over and lost during the B.c or early A.D period, probably
by one of the earliest roman invaders. And if this coin is actually 3rd-2nd Century BC Greek, then I'd
REALLY wonder how it got over to Britain, since that part of Western Europe was largely cut-off from the
Greek empire of that period.