1923 Peace $ Tail on the "O" VAM 1 of about 12 known...(SOLD....)

I'll be selling this extremely rare VAM off of ebay to the highest bidder. Many of you know I do silent auctions..... just IM me with the price you're willing to pay. No second chances... once you bid once, that's it... This is the highest graded 1C VAM in existance. I'll be taking bids until Thursday afternoon....
This is a designated variety, it's just not labeled on the PCGS slab (PCGS doesn't label VAM's as of right now). It's the highest graded example because I know where all of the other 11 are at this time (with the help of some forum members and David Close who is the author of the latest VAM book) There is one in a NGC holder @3, but which coin would you buy....
I'd suggest picking up "The official Guide to the Top 50 Peace Dollar Varieties" and learning about them if you're interested in low population hard to find coins worth 200-2500% of normal prices ..... Here's the info on that VAM right from the book (sorry it's not big enough to read. If you want, I can send you it via email.....
VAM collecting is not for everyone.... just like a series you'd never buy... you just have to be interested in them...