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My other grades are in...very WIDE range of grades...Russ will be proud (I think)

This is a Teletrade submission that I just got the grades back for:

1c 1965 SMS RD PCGS 67 (about what I figured)
1c 1965 SMS RD PCGS 67 (ditto)
1c 1967 SMS RD PCGS 66 (I thought 50-50 cameo)
1c 1967 SMS RD PCGS 66 (crap, I'll have to buy this one back...shoulda been no question cameo)
5c 1966 SMS PCGS 67 CAM (about what I figured)
10c 1965 SMS PCGS 67 (grade is right...thought a slight chance at cameo)
10c 1967 SMS PCGS 67 CAM (so so close to DCAM)
50c 1964 PCGS 65 Proof (musta missed some hairlines here...thought this would cameo)
50c 1964 Accented Hair PCGS 64 Proof (OUCH)
50c 1964 Accented Hair PCGS 65 Proof (ouch)
50c 1964 Accented Hair PCGS 65 Proof (ouch)
50c 1964 Accented Hair PCGS 67 Proof CAM (woo hoo)
50c 1965 SMS PCGS 64 (ok, this was a setup coin for the 66)
50c 1965 SMS PCGS 64 (ditto)
50c 1965 SMS PCGS 65 (ditto)
50c 1966 SMS PCGS 66 DCAM (YESSSSS, Score)
50c 1967 SMS PCGS 66 CAM (hmmm....looked very close to the 66 but I guess if I had to pick one to go DCAM it would be the 1966.

Not too bad overall, I guess?


  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭

    << <i>50c 1964 PCGS 65 Proof (musta missed some hairlines here...thought this would cameo)
    50c 1964 Accented Hair PCGS 64 Proof (OUCH)
    50c 1964 Accented Hair PCGS 65 Proof (ouch)
    50c 1964 Accented Hair PCGS 65 Proof (ouch) >>

    Hairlines are killers. I racked up a bunch of grades like those until I got good at seeing them.

    << <i>50c 1964 Accented Hair PCGS 67 Proof CAM (woo hoo) >>

    image I was wondering who made that one.

    << <i>50c 1966 SMS PCGS 66 DCAM (YESSSSS, Score) >>

    imageimage Only the 30th coin to receive the DCAM designation in any grade. Outstanding!

    Russ, NCNE

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