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Would this coin grade?????

keojkeoj Posts: 980 ✭✭✭
I am the proud owner of a coin that is sooooooooooo close to getting a grade I can taste it. I sent the coin to NCS a couple of months ago and they did a great job of getting rid of a rubber band mark that existed across the face of the coin. So the coin is now in a NCS holder as AU details......BUT, I can't see whats wrong with the coin. It has not been cleaned and looks great. It does not have a "I've been conserved" look at all. Please take a look (enlarge the pic) and give me opinions on whether its worth a try at PCGS. Thanks for the help. BTW, theres some interesting factoids in the listing, these coins are rare.


1877 Japanese Trade Dollar


  • MSD61MSD61 Posts: 3,382
    The best place to get an answer on this fine coin is to give it a post in the world coin forum. There are many Japanese coin experts there mateimage
  • Very pretty coin, great detail and design. Having never seen another coin of the series, I'll call it ms-61+.

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