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Looking Through Lincoln Cents - update

The book is finished, the laser printed copies are nearly all printed, and the binder awaits. Your 304 page books are still coming along smoothly, with only a couple of minor hiccups to date (knock on wood). Not having ever done anything like this before teaches me a new found respect for those who have. It is indeed very hard work printing and publishing a book from home. The last 300 of 500 copies should be ready by the end of the month, and the second run of 1,000 copies will be ready three weeks later. Then we start talking ISBN number, Barnes & Noble, wholesale numismatic dealers, etc.

The only thig I have left is securing a method of shipping these out and getting the materials to do so. I have been in contact with Parrothead88 from eBay, the famous 50K feedback guy who has been doing shipping material for years. We will see what comes of that.

Just to let you know progress is being made, here's a camera shot of 20 copies of the book ready to be sliced and bound (BTW, these are face down, you are looking at the last page in the book):

C. D. Daughtrey, NLG
The Lincoln cent store:

My numismatic art work:
USAF veteran, 1986-1996 :: support our troops - the American way.


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