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update on the Cincinnati Spring show

The 1st annual Cincinnati Spring Coin Show seemed to me to be a big success. It was on Fri & Sat and unfortunately I was only able to go on Friday. There were 100 + tables and it seemed to be well attended. Most of the dealers I talked to were pleased and talked about how everything was selling. I noticed very few people trying to sell to the dealers.
I got the chance to meet my first board member, BEARTRACKS, and his wife and they were two very nice people!
I also bought my first seated half dollar. An 1857 in EF but I would give it an AU. It has some great tonning. I wish I was in the digital age so I could post a pic.


  • Cool! image
  • Conder101Conder101 Posts: 10,536
    Unfortunately nobody came on Saturday. Attendence was way down on the second day of the show and many dealer who had been reporting a good show the day before finished with a down show. (What happened to the white hot coin market?) One thing that did surprise me was that only a few dealers pulled out Friday night and the major exodus of dealers didn't begin until about 1PM on Saturday. Once it began it went quickly though and half of the dealers were gone or packing by 2:30.

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