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Typically, what do you look for in an MS66 Morgan?

To what extent should the fields/devices have hits and chatter? What about luster breaks?




  • FC57CoinsFC57Coins Posts: 9,140
    Luster should boom - hits on the face should not be discernable to the naked eye - very minor disturbances on the fields - good strike - that would do it for me image
  • stmanstman Posts: 11,352 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>hits on the face should not be discernable to the naked eye >>

    Ah yes the good ol dinosaur days. image
    Please... Save The Stories, Just Answer My Questions, And Tell Me How Much!!!!!
  • ANA: MS-66. Must have above average quality of strike and full original mint luster, with no more than two or three minor but noticeable contact marks. A few very light hairlines may show under magnification, or there may be one or two light scuff marks showing of frosted surfaces or in the field. The eye appeal must be above average and very pleasing for the date and mint. Copper coins display full original or lightly toned color as designated. Note: Natural toning is acceptable and not a factor + or - by todays standards.

    A site dedicated to the sale of rare and high MS grade Morgan and Peace Silver Dollars. All coins are graded by ICG, PCGS, NGC, or Anacs, and are priced well below PCGS values.
  • PlacidPlacid Posts: 11,299 ✭✭✭
    My reflection.
  • in a word, wow

    placid, image

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