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What would you do Ebay, sellers remorse?

KISHU1KISHU1 Posts: 2,116 ✭✭✭

From : Mark Chrans <hottestcoins@hotmail.com>
Sent : Friday, April 9, 2004 1:40 PM
To : lunapeaches@hotmail.com
Subject : re: purchase

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Hi Frank,
I unfortunately have some bad news regarding your order. Due to my own error the coin you purchased was listed incorrectly; it was listed as a CAM when it should have been listed as a DCAM. At the moment my boss is out of town and it would be greatly appreciated if there was some way that we could take care of this quickly and quietly. Normally a 1955 PR66DCAM JEFFERSON 5C costs $350.00. If you would like to keep this coin I could sell it to you at wholesale cost for $250.00. If you would like your money back I could send you a refund immediately. As I'm sure you realize you do have the third option of keeping your order because you did win the auction fair and square and the mistake was on my part. But I would really, really appreciate any cooperation you might be able to give me. Please get back to me as soon as possible because I am on a time constraint in regards to dealing with this. Thank you again.

Kindest Regards,

The picture showed the coin and it was in a DCAM slab.

What would you do????

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