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Want some Lincoln cent education?

Just thinking that now I'm finished with the content of this book, I will be jobless in a couple of weeks, and will have some time on my hands. Give me a show of hands on who would like some Lincoln cent education posts in here with photos to go with it? Some doubled dies, repunched mintmarks, a bit of machine doubling education, abrasion doubling tidbits, and other things I have stored in my gray matter that would take a half hour or so per day to put together and post.

Better yet, gimme a show of hands of those who would quickly grow tired of seeing such posts....I'll weigh out the yeahs and nays and make a decision from that.
C. D. Daughtrey, NLG
The Lincoln cent store:

My numismatic art work:
USAF veteran, 1986-1996 :: support our troops - the American way.


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