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2004 Silver Proof Quarters

jmcu12jmcu12 Posts: 2,452 ✭✭✭
I just got mine today. They are not bad, anyone else?
Awarded latest "YOU SUCK!": June 11, 2014


  • FragmentumFragmentum Posts: 174 ✭✭
    Not bad? What grading scale is that?
    Proof US Mint coins better be PERFECT, especially at the premiums that are charging.
    I just sent back all 6 sets of the 2003 Proof coin sets I received as there were damaged and spotted coins inside every lens. I then called the mint and registered a complaint. They said they would 'flag' the return order and hand select new sets to send back to me, and cover the return shipping and insurance.
    If your coins are not perfect, return for replacement and send a note along with the defects.
    I have been told by more than one source that returns are generally reboxed and shelved to send out again.
    Collecting ASE's, Disney Dollars, high end for type set and other shiny objects with crayola colors...
  • jmcu12jmcu12 Posts: 2,452 ✭✭✭
    There are no spots, no flaws, they are what proof coins should be. In short I am pleased with them. In fact, I have had few problems with mint products or their service.

    Perhaps I am just lucky in that regard.
    Awarded latest "YOU SUCK!": June 11, 2014
  • cosmicdebriscosmicdebris Posts: 12,332 ✭✭✭
    That was fast. I ordered mine at 12:00 noon the day they went on sale and I bet mine won't be here until the end of next week.



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