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Buy the latest (May?) CoinValues magazine for the new 2004 nickel!

The new nickel. Year of 2004 P Lousianna purchase. (With the two peole shaking hands).

Here's a heads up for anyone that doesn't know and is having trouble finding one of these. (I was, my bank didn't have any nither did any place I went to)

If you buy one of these magazines (It has a sticker on it saying there's a free nickel inside) it comes with a free 2004 P Lousianna purchase nickel inside! Not one of those mail in cards, but the nickel is actually inside the magazine. It comes in an envolope.

You get the magazine and the nickel. I think the price is $4. There's also a mail in card for a free air tight holder for it. (Looks like a grading slab but you can remove and insert the coin)

Pretty cool!

Happy hunting!

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