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2000 Silver Proof Quarter Set Question - please help

I don't do moderns but I have a young tyke here with me and he is asking...

How much did these sell for when issued by mint? How much do they go for now approximately?

Thanks guys! image


  • relayerrelayer Posts: 10,570

    Issued at $31.95
    Selling at about the same in the secondary market (sometimes less)
    My posts viewed image times
    since 8/1/6
  • thanks relayer!image
  • FragmentumFragmentum Posts: 174 ✭✭
    Most of the silver proof coin sets command a premium at this stage, and if your collecting at US Mint pricing, keep the collection current.
    You can still get the older series at most coin shows for greysheet pricing, but LOOK at the coins carefully to get the ones without problems! I sent 6 sets of 2003 proof quarter sets back to the mint today cuz they had marks and spots on the coins.
    Here is current CDN prices;
    1999 $232.00
    2000 $29.00
    2001 $96.00
    2002 $64.00
    2003 $32.00 (still available from the mint)
    2004 Silver Quarter sets are available now from the mint at $24.00 in 5 coin sets.
    1999-2003 are complete 10 coin sets only.

    Hope this helps...
    Collecting ASE's, Disney Dollars, high end for type set and other shiny objects with crayola colors...
  • Fragmentum,

    The 1999 set only had 9 coins in the set, not 10. The mint made us all pay extra for the proof SBA that year, rememberimage

    Thanks for the info on the prices. I was wondering what the 1999 set was currently at,

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