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Does anyone here have any information on a 1970 Proof set containing a nickel with clashed dies?

coinguy1coinguy1 Posts: 13,484 ✭✭✭
A client of ours has a 1970 Proof set containing a nickel which displays obviously/strongly (and coolly!) clashed dies. He also has a 1971 letter from Coin World, stating that the nickel was indeed struck from clashed dies and that they planned to use the images he provided in a feature on Proof coins. Coin World followed through and displayed a photo of the nickel in their March 10, 1971 article on "People Closely Checking Recent Proof, Mint Sets".

Does anyone know anything about such a set? Does the nickel have any significant value as such? Is it worthwhile to get the nickel certified? Thanks for any information or help that you can provide.


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