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Uggg, Whitman Jeff. Coin Folder holes are too small...Recommendations?

Why of why does everything seem to happen to me. Yes, the Nickels don't fit, the holes are too small. I am ready to pull out the KY Jelly and get busy.. The Folder #9042 was bought at a show for $2 so I am out that but what to do now, Dansco Albums? Anyone else have this problem??image


  • labloverlablover Posts: 3,632 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yep, me too. Try this, take an old nickel and stand it on end and rotate the coin in each hole. That worked for me.
    "If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went." Will Rogers
  • BaleyBaley Posts: 22,659 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have an older whitman Jefferson nickel folder and the coins fall out left and right.

    I think they were criticized for "loose standards" and "tightened up image

    OTOH, I have a newer indian cent folder, with the special "lock in" feature, and it hurts my thumbs to push coins into these (the "tilt and push at an angle" method does work, and once the hole is not a "virgin" it gets a little looser, so for a relatively nice coin [and really, how nice a coin can it be, if you're pushing it into a $2 folder?] anyway, for a decent coin I dont want to manhandle, I use a pocket change coin to bust the cherry and then push in my good coin.

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