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Fellow Board Member Aeast is a Righteous Dude! A treat for Jeff Lovers - Big Pic Though

So I see this ebay auction for a 50 nickel and I decide to look and I say hmmm - this thing looks like it has nice color, so I say self? If this was a PR65 it would go for $X, so if you bid $X+$15, you should be into a very nice nickel for a reasonable price. So we complete the transaction - I've dealt with Aeast before and Aaron is a great guy to do business with - both buying and selling. I get the coin today, and not only does he send a very nice coin that's really probably PR66, but he includes a nifty looking 54S as a bonus coin, AND he sends me $10 back because he felt the coin was overpriced at where it sold - I tell ya - it's people like Aaron who make up for the sleazeballs on Ebay. So, for customer service second to none, Aeast - YOU SUCK!!! image Thank you! image



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