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Any good coin stores in Norfork VA or Virginia Beach???

LucyBopLucyBop Posts: 14,001 ✭✭✭
And stores that I shouldn't miss?
imageBe Bop A Lula!!
"Senorita HepKitty"
"I want a real cool Kitty from Hepcat City, to stay in step with me" - Bill Carter


  • The area is pretty bad for coin stores... I lived there in HS (until 1998) so my info may not be too up to date-- check and see if Candl Coins is still there... as far as I know, David Lawrence doesn't have a storefront. That's all I know about, unfortunately! I'm not a big shopper for things other than coins, but if you're looking for a good way to spend a few hours, check out the Virginia Marine Science Museum, about 1-2 miles from the oceanfront...
  • PlacidPlacid Posts: 11,299 ✭✭✭
    Lucy's coming to the east coast image
  • ibzman350ibzman350 Posts: 5,315

    Been in the area since 1970, live 15 min. from the Virginia Beach, sorry to say not a lot of coin stores in the area. I'm new to the game though, hopefully someone with more collecting time under their belt will chime in and let both of us know where the good one are also.

    Sorry I couldn't be of more helpful.

    Remember it's not how you pick your nose that matters, it's where you put the boogers.
  • Lucy, there are two coin stores in the area that I know of. I will PM you.

    edited to correct spelling - it's been a long night at sea ( yes even at sea I keep up with the boards )
    U S Navy Retired 22 years - ENC(SW) Ret. - Travling Nuclear Maintanence Contractor - Working Indian Point Nuclear plant Buchanan New York

    ">Franklin Halves
    ">Kennedy Halves
  • morganbarbermorganbarber Posts: 1,821 ✭✭✭
    I was there last summer and checked the phone book. I ended up going to some pawn shop type store on Lasking Road in Va Beach. Although he had pretty many coins, it was the lowest grade crap I have seen for sale.
    I collect circulated U.S. silver

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