OT: eBay feedback tracking
Just a helpful LINK to a spiffy little script that will parse out (and list) the neutral and negative feedbacks for any user whose ID you enter.
Curious as to what those 3 negatives are for the seller with 5000 feedbacks? This will save you the time of having to wade through pages of feedback looking for the "bad stuff."
I think this has been posted before, but it deserves to be resurrected every now and then.
Curious as to what those 3 negatives are for the seller with 5000 feedbacks? This will save you the time of having to wade through pages of feedback looking for the "bad stuff."
I think this has been posted before, but it deserves to be resurrected every now and then.
I'm not afraid to die
I'm afraid to be alive without being aware of it

I'm afraid to be alive without being aware of it

Come on over ... to The Dark Side!
This is pretty good. All you do is move your cursor over the feedback of the seller you're looking at, right click, and select "Get Gutcheck."
It's way faster, too
I've already noticed one British seller where most of his negs and neutrals involve overgrading. It's true, too.
I'll download that gutcheck thing later.