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FB Roosys

Ok, I know how to identify FB on a Mercury... now how bout on a Roosy? How do you spot Full Bands? Is it the same criteria, but it's on that top band of the torch?


  • both the top and bottom band have to be split
    LOOKING FOR 1931-s merc that is nice for the grade and fb
  • melikecoinsmelikecoins Posts: 1,154 ✭✭
    And they must be split from edge to edge (field to field), that's the only way I'll send them for grading. (They all get FB too)
    Though I have seen some less then that and still get FB (must have had a power outage that day).

    Most of the time you will be looking at the lower band, but don't forget to look at the top one (any dings or scratchs and it may fail)

    I don't buy slabs I make them

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