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Some Eye Candy Before I Logout: Toned HTT

Here's a nicely toned Hard Times Token (Low-83, HT-150) that we recently purchased in a group of tokens from another dealer. At first glance, the toning didn't really jump out at me, but when I tilted the coin in the light, this thing really came to life; Florescent green iridescence on the reverse and deep, sexy violets and electric blues on the obverse. Again, the colors only jump out when tilted just right. I had trouble imaging the colors of this token, so I hired Jeremy (airplanenut) to do the professional photography. I think that he did a fine job.

Not an expensive coin, but sure fun to look at:

www.jaderarecoin.com - Updated 6/8/06. Many new coins added!

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  • rainbowroosierainbowroosie Posts: 4,874 ✭✭✭✭
    "You keep your 1804 dollar and 1822 half eagle -- give me rainbow roosies in MS68."
    rainbowroosie April 1, 2003
  • Awesome Token... and as usual, a 10 on the quality scale for Jeremy's Pics... he's one of the best photographers here on the forums, I'm never disapointed when I see one of his coin pics image
  • image
    Analog Rules! Knobs and Switches are cool!
  • he's one of the best photographers here on the forums

    George, you are right, Jeremy is very good at coin photography. Well worth the money.
    www.jaderarecoin.com - Updated 6/8/06. Many new coins added!

    Our eBay auctions - TRUE auctions: start at $0.01, no reserve, 30 day unconditional return privilege & free shipping!

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