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Arrived for the first time ever in DC. Here for a conference. Afterwards, I got to walk around downtown DC and see the entire US government structures, plus all the memorials, monuments, and landmarks. It was a fascinating experience. As a bonus, the cherry blossoms and magnolias are in full bloom everywhere you go, an incredible visual feast.
Oh yeah, about coins, I was going to go see those famous coins inside the Smithsonian, but there were incredible long lines of visitors, so I skipped out. It took me almost 5 hours of nonstop walking to finish the tour, felt like I just complete a marathon. Ouch!
Just like to share my experience. Please don't flame me.image


  • I won't flame you... just make sure you see the coins next time! image
    You shout in your sleep.
    Perhaps the price is just too steep.
    Is your conscience at rest if once put to the test?
    You awake with a start to just the beating of your heart.
    Just one man beneath the sky,
    Just two ears, just two eyes.
  • KUCHKUCH Posts: 1,186
    DC is a great experience. Everyone should go atleast once! The history, the emotion one feels is quite profound. Arlington National Cemetary was the most moving for me.
  • mgoodm3mgoodm3 Posts: 17,497 ✭✭✭
    Gotta see the coins. You'll never see a finer collection of gold again.
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