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Coin Damage? What is it?

This is a 1955 PF 68 in a NGC holder. It has a blue residue across the top. Is it damaged?
Alex in Alaska
Collecting Morgans in Any Grade


  • Does not appear damaged in any way. Looks like normal toning from elements that bonded to the surface of the coin at one point. May have been caused by the rinsing process at the mint. Damge can be defined as scrapes, dings, gouges, PVC etc . Toning is a natural process and does not cause damage to a coin.
  • lube wipes residue on dies-fairly common,from 50s to 80s on proofs-minor reaction-also see it a lot on Ikes-some have said it is an mek derivitive-others say no because mek causes a "yellowing"-Massen reports high pressures caused "tempering",or "bluing" of metal-who knows-bottom line-this piece is not damaged in any way.

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