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Unusual 1960 Proof 10c No pic, just description.

bumanchubumanchu Posts: 1,383 ✭✭✭
While rechecking some of my 1960 proof dimes for double die obverses I discovered a dime with the following characteristic:

The date looks like: 1960, that is to say the "19" looks weakly struck, almost like italics next to the bolder but normal looking "60".

Nothing else appears to be affected as all adjacent areas appear normal and the "1" and "9" look equally affected under 17x magnification.

Has anyone else seen a proof 1960 dime like this?

It just doesn't look like a grease filled strike to me, its too well defined. It looks like the first and second halves of the date were punched with different pressures.

I welcome any comments.
And I ain't lying this time.


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