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Superior's Prognosis

Well, they lost Steve Deeds who, while I don't know him well, seems to be a quality guy.

I along with some dealer frieds, consigned coins to their January auction and found the cataloging horrendous, the service non-existent and the result abysmal. (Edited to add: I forgot to mention that the catalog photography was absolutely pathetic - worst I've seen since the late 1970s Kagin catalogs).

Now I see they are recruiting mutliple positions in their recent ad (can't remember if it was in Coinworld or the Numismatist).

Based on their handling of the January auction alone, I wouldn't send anything their way again. The recent departures and upheaval apparently going on there don't offer much to change my mind.

But maybe I've had an isolated bad experience and I'm being too harsh - anybody feel differently?


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