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Has Anyone Received This Bogus eBay email?

RKKayRKKay Posts: 3,015 ✭✭✭
The link it goes to even has an eBay Visa card offer! Looks pretty good, except for the fact that eBay has never sent me such an email and the link goes to a non-ebay URL.

Dear eBay user,
during our regular update and verification of the accounts, we couldn't verify your current information. Either your information has changed or it is incomplete.
If the account information is not updated to current information within 5 days than your access to bid or buy on eBay will be restricted.
Please update and verify your information by signing in your account below :


***Please Do Not Reply To This E-Mail As You Will Not Receive A Response***

Thank you,
Stacey Cohen
eBay Billing Department Team


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  • I've recieved similar emails.They look very authentic.If you forward it to spoof @ ebay they will email you within minutes stating "This did not originate from ebay".
  • mdwoodsmdwoods Posts: 5,544 ✭✭✭
    I also have received similar emails. I just delete them.
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    We'll use our hands and hearts and if we must we'll use our heads.
  • RKKayRKKay Posts: 3,015 ✭✭✭
    Just got the email from eBay confirming it is bogus and warning to be careful.
  • XpipedreamRXpipedreamR Posts: 8,059 ✭✭
    I have never received any of these kinds of fake eBay emails. I guess the scammers just don't like meimage
  • ldhairldhair Posts: 7,214 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I forwarded one of these to ebay today.

    I get these all the time but the reply from spoof@ebay was really different this time.

    Keystroke virus? This was a new one to me.

    Part of ebay reply.


    Thank you for writing to eBay regarding the email you received.

    We reviewed your report and found that although the message you received
    was made to appear as if it had been sent by an eBay user, it was not.
    It appears that this email may also contain a keystroke virus. If you
    clicked on any of the links in the email, you may have exposed your
    computer to this virus.

    We are not equipped to determine if your computer is indeed infected
    with a virus. If you have not already done so, you should seek out a
    virus scanner program to use on your system. I have included a few links
    below to get you started in this effort:

  • melikecoinsmelikecoins Posts: 1,154 ✭✭
    At least once a week

    Just trash them

    I don't buy slabs I make them
  • mgoodm3mgoodm3 Posts: 17,497 ✭✭✭
    Keystroke is probably a keystroke logger. Then probably sends that data elsewhere allowing someone access to your passwords and all sorts of personal info.
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  • I got a few of them, and unfortunately once I responded. But my credit Card on file was expired. Later I got one asking me to respond to the email, which made me suspicious and I contacted eBay and it was a fake. In your case it is odd, cuz that is actually a legit eBay address, according to their page list:
    "eBay sign-in addresses will always include either .com or the letters that designate the site the address is associated with (.fr for France, .de for Germany, etc.) followed by a forward slash (/). If the address includes additional characters prior to the forward slash such as "@," dashes, etc., it is not an eBay page. A complete list of eBay sign-in addresses is provided below:

    United States Sites
    Site Sign-In/Login URL
    eBay.com http://cgi3.ebay.com/...
    Half.com https://scgi.half.ebay.com/
    Discussion Boards http://servlet.ebay.com/
    Live Auctions http://cgi4.liveauctions.ebay.com/
    Sothebys.com (partner site) http://cgi3.sothebys.ebay.com/...
    https://scgi.sothebys.ebay.com/... "
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  • Conder101Conder101 Posts: 10,536

    << <i>In your case it is odd, cuz that is actually a legit eBay address, according to their page list: >>

    What RKKay showed was most likely a cut and paste of the email he got. The link in the email shows a valid ebay address but if you click on it you are NOT aken to that address. (It is kind of like when post a link here. We could put any address we want in the text box but you get TAKEN to the underlying address. And it surprises me when people say that the site they get taken to looks so convincing. Easiest way to make a convincing fake ebay webite, go to the real website, view the source code, copy it and upload it to your own website. Make a few changes so that the login info is sent to you instead of ebay and there you go, one near perfect fake eBay site. Even all the links on the page work and take you to the real locations just like they do from the real page.
  • JohnsCoinsJohnsCoins Posts: 1,093 ✭✭✭
    I have also received this e-mail. I get another one every so often asking for extra shipping for an item. There is usually an item number and a link. I have sent them to e-bay in the past. Now I just delete all of them and block the sender.

  • I get plenty of garbage/bogus email. In real estate it's location, location, location. In email, it's block sender, block sender, block sender!!!!!!!!!
  • I've received similar emails.
  • DHeathDHeath Posts: 8,472 ✭✭✭

    I got an interesting one too that I thought you'd enjoy. I'd imagine it's a stolen credit card scheme. As follows:


    We want advice you very good job.
    We know that you work on EBAY and with PAYPAL.
    We need people who can exchange money
    From Pay Pal account to Western Union or
    Money Gram or E-Gold.
    For example we send to your pay pal account 1500$,
    Than when you receive money you must send 85% to us
    Via Western Union (www.westernunion.com) during 2hours
    (5% for fees and 10% to you).
    You get clear 10%.
    Next day we do it again and so on
    If you have free time you can work every day.
    Weekly amount is 4000-8000$ (American dollar).
    You get 20% percent + We pay WU or Bank wires fees.
    After your authorization we will send money to you first!
    All money is from SOFTWARE AND ADULT Sponsors.
    For your authorization we need: your name, surname,
    Telephone number and you location (only country and town)
    All information about our clients is confidential.
    We need answer from you, with additional contacts like ICQ,
    or MSN, or where we can speak with you instant.
    (It is not spam, we send you this email manually,
    we need only man who can work with us)
    Please contact us by MSN,ICQ or Yahoo messenger.
    Our contacts:

    Our ICQ number is 433236
    Our MSN is westerncash@hotmail.com
    Yahoo messenger is western_cash@yahoo.com
    Our location is Russia,Moscow,Sushevskiy val 490
    Postal code: 125047

    Thank you!

    Copyright © 2002-2004 WesternCash Holdings Inc. All Rights Reserved."
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