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Grades -

1 21511309 1965 1C SMS USA MS67RD
2 21511310 1966 1C SMS USA MS68RD - really thought this should have gone cam - sigh
2 21511311 1966 1C SMS USA MS66RD
2 21511312 1966 1C SMS USA MS67RD
3 21511313 1968 1C USA MS64RD
3 21511314 1968 1C USA MS65RD - lesson do not send in business strike coins with SMS coins you get beat up
4 21511315 1966 5C SMS USA MS66
5 21511318 1966 10C SMS USA MS68CA - POP 14/0
5 21511316 1966 10C SMS USA MS67
5 21511317 1966 10C SMS USA MS67
6 21511319 1965 25C SMS USA MS66CA
7 21511320 1966 25C SMS USA MS65
8 21511321 1966 50C SMS USA MS67
8 21511322 1966 50C SMS USA MS68
8 21511323 1966 50C SMS USA MS67

Date Received: 02/26/2004
Date Shipped: No Date Specified


  • Coingrats and coindolences...

  • ManorcourtmanManorcourtman Posts: 7,994 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nice job!! Same time in grading as my modern junk!!
  • clackamasclackamas Posts: 5,615
    >>Nice job!! Same time in grading as my modern junk!!

    Thanks - do you have your grades?
  • image
    Analog Rules! Knobs and Switches are cool!
  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭

    << <i>2 21511310 1966 1C SMS USA MS68RD - really thought this should have gone cam - sigh >>

    Were you thinking 67CAM, by any chance? PCGS pulls the "no cam, but one point bump" on SMS coins all the time. It's almost like they hate giving the designation on these.

    << <i>5 21511318 1966 10C SMS USA MS68CA - POP 14/0 >>

    Big image on that one. These are a hell of a lot harder than most realize.

    Russ, NCNE
  • clackamasclackamas Posts: 5,615
    << 2 21511310 1966 1C SMS USA MS68RD - really thought this should have gone cam - sigh >>

    >Were you thinking 67CAM, by any chance? PCGS pulls the "no cam, but one point bump" on SMS coins all the time. It's >almost like they hate giving the designation on these.

    Russ you nailed it. This coin is a cam and the Rossie was a DCAM, IMO. The quarter was a CAM as well. I incuded the other Lincoln as a reference for this coin so the CAM would be obvious. I am new at the moderns so I will learn with time. i just don't know how to set this coin up or the rossie for DCAM.

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