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value of biblical coins

A friend of mine has some coins from B.C. era but has no idea where to look up the value does anyone know where she could find out?
Thanks for the info


  • JohnZJohnZ Posts: 1,732
    I could help you if I had some pictures to look at.

    Be sure to ask this question on the darkside forum as well.

    We ARE watching you.

  • I don't know that there is one standard catalogue for biblical coins-- oftentimes, the value is simply what a coin will bring at auction. Still, as far as biblical coins, values can range from around $7 (for Judean "Widow's Mites") to several hundered dollars (as in the case of silver Jewish Shekels). But
    as was mentioned before, pictures can go a long way as far as someone here being able to quote a
    rough value.
  • I don't know if she has any way to get me pictures but I can find out, if nothing else I could maybe get a good enough description for you to go on ...hopefully! I will get back to you on that. Thanks a ton

  • try www.forumancientcoins.com
    they have some nice biblical coins with prices.
    hope it helps

  • nwcsnwcs Posts: 13,386 ✭✭✭
    Identifying them is likely to be the hardest part. You can also try http://www.ancient-coin-forum.com coin board, they have some great people there who can help you.
  • Try "Guide to Biblical Coins, Fourth Edition" by David Hendin. Lots of photos, drawings, and the author's value estimates for most of the coins.
    You're now official, Bubba 4/24/04

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