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Thank you, Adrian!

Like many of you out there, I've looked with awe and, yes, occasionally envy at the incredible listing and pictures of gem toned coins in Anaconda's inventory. And, until recently, I could only dream about owning some of those wonderful coins.

But, times change, and over the past few weeks I've had the good fortune to be able to do more than simply gawk at Adrian's offerings. I've also benefitted from the fact that Adrian stocks some of the greatest gem toned Morgan dollars, my longstanding area of numismatic interest.

But, most of all, I was able to discuss my interests and concerns openly with Adrian, a real gentleman who sent me tens of thousands of dollars of coins to review on approval, who worked with me on prices, and who at every stage kept his word to me.

As it now stands, 5 of the coins in my "A" box of gem toned Morgan dollars are pedigreed to Adrian. This is more than from any other single source. Several of these coins are among the finest to surface in the past decade. So, the next time you look at his site and notice some classic dollars missing, you'll also know where they are. And, you might want to expand your thinking about where to shop next for your own source of gem toned coins. Because, from the perspective of both qulaity and price, I did far better dealing with Adrian than I did throughout last month's show in Baltimore.


  • airplanenutairplanenut Posts: 22,108 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Adrian's a swell guy--and great to talk to. Guess where this one came from image


    The man knows eye appeal!
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  • Hmmm. You're giving me some hope. I have my eye on a few of his items that were just a smidge out of my league. I think I might call him sometime and see if he would be willing to negotiate just a little on an item or two.
  • gemtone65gemtone65 Posts: 901 ✭✭✭
    ealandg: I thought the same thing. His inventory itself is intimidating. But, I would conjecture that you'd be pleasantly surprised at how reasonable and personable he can be one on one.

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