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I saw a cool Barber half dollar at the Santa Clara show yesterday

LanLordLanLord Posts: 11,711 ✭✭✭✭✭
It was PCGS slabbed at MS64 (I think, might have been 63). But when I saw it, my first - gut reaction was Bull$h!#, that's a PROOF. The obvers looks like a cameo PROOF, strong cameo at that, but while the fields have tons of mirror, they did have some specks in them.

So I asked the guy if that thing was a goof up, he pulled it out and said look at the reverse.

The reverse was a very beautiful high grade MS. Definitely not from a PROOF die.

It was certainly a cool coin to have, PROOF obverse, MS reverse.


  • JrGMan2004JrGMan2004 Posts: 7,557
    Interesting... why no buy?
  • coinlieutenantcoinlieutenant Posts: 9,308 ✭✭✭✭✭
    didnt see that one but I did see a nice 1796 that someone had...image

    Nice meeting you Tom.

  • LanLordLanLord Posts: 11,711 ✭✭✭✭✭
    John, it was nice meeting you as well, the only thing that would have been better is if you has simply handed me your slab case and stated you were tired of collecting - just take them all. I still have sparkles in from that PROOF quarter eagle, and those capped busts just really got me going.

    Glad you liked the 1796 quarter.

    George, I have been asking myself why I didn't buy it all night and this morning. It was a thing of beauty. As Spock would say, there's always possibilities!
  • JrGMan2004JrGMan2004 Posts: 7,557
    I say, go back and buy it! image
  • I saw a seated half that was very proof like. I didn't buy it because it was $200 over ask. I almost did though.

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