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A "What would you do?" Using a Square Trade Mediator

I bought 2 coins on Feb. 1st for $673 + $12 S/H/I. On Feb 17 I'm handed an empty padded envelope that has been ripped open in the back and I filed a claim that day with the clerk.

To comply with SquareTrades time limits (open a case within 30 days, file a claim within 60) I opened a case Feb 27th. He responded with the facts. I emailed numerous times asking for status, wanting to know two things: 1) Has he filled out his part of the claim and sent it to the post office and 2) Where did he direct the claim settlement to be sent (me or him).

Finally on March 9th he made an entry in the SquareTrade case that said "I received the claim form and will fill it out and send it back to you". And that was the last I heard from him. He ignored my emails, I sent him a letter and I called and left him a couple of messages on his answering machine asking to get in touch with me. Then finally his mother answered the phone and and I asked her to tell him to respond to my email, and he ignored that also.

So on 3/31 I leave him 2 negs ( he just received 4 negs from a seller as a NPB stating he ignores email ).

That seemed to get his attention and a couple of hours later he sends me an email answering my 2 questions (He filed it 3/12 and said the payment to go to me).

Then I get two emails from SquareTrade saying the other party has paid for mediation and asking if I want to agree.

At this point I don't need a mediator because I got my two questions answered, and he is under the impression that if I don't get my money back I'll file a suit in small claims court.

Either that has prompted him to pay for a mediator, or he wants to get the negative feedback removed.

So should I ignore the mediator or agree to it? The post office will either send me a check, or deny the claim. If they deny the claim (he says he has had claims denied in the past) then I have to get my money from him or SquareTrade.

I don't see any advantage to me to use the mediator. Will he get his money back if I don't join the mediation process? Will they remove the negs if I ignore them?

My posts viewed image times
since 8/1/6


  • I would respond to show your good faith but also know there could be two issue involved at this time and the mediator could be regarding the feedback you posted to his profile.
  • ajiaajia Posts: 5,403 ✭✭✭
    This to me is an open & shut case, if the package was sent from the P.O. shut closed & you picked it up from the P.O. ripped open we can presume there is a crooked P.O. worker somewhere along the way.
    I would do a couple of things.
    1) Find out the weight of the package when it was mailed, I believe you can calculate this off the postage.
    2) Find out how much he insured it for, it might not have been for the whole amount, any amount $100 & over requires a signature.
    3) I have never dealt with mediation, but if only deals with the neg. feedback & gets this resolved, do it. Get this behind you & go forward. BUT if it deals with #2, DON"T. As I said I've never dealt with mediation, but if you have to sign some contract stating that you will abide by the ruling then come to find out it has to do with your payment.......
  • K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295
    If you ignore the Square Trade case, the negative feedback will be removed. At this point, I would think that getting your $673 back is the most important issue. I would respond and say that you are willing to have the feedback removed once you have been reimbursed the $673 in good funds.

    I'm getting the impression that this guy is lazy, from your thread a few weeks ago, it seems he carelessly packages expensive coins, and can't be bothered with emails or phone calls.
  • razorface1027razorface1027 Posts: 4,242 ✭✭
    I had a newbie at ebay that filed for arbitration with Square Trade because I wasn't fast enough in delivering his item ( a 1893 Morgan Dollar in AU). Since he was a newbie, I awaited his check to clear. When S.T. sent me a email stating that this fellow filed for a intermediary, I tried responding and it was to was to no avail. Anyway, the point to my posting is this...When I tried responding to S.T., all it did was screw my computer up. I'll leave you with this...DO NOT RESPOND TO SQUARE TRADE, NO MATTER WHAT.image
    What is money, in reality, but dirty pieces of paper and metal upon which privilege is stamped?
  • K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295
    Square Trade didn't mess up my computer. If he doesn't respond, the feedback will be removed.
  • relayerrelayer Posts: 10,570

    The package had $9.26 in postage; insurance for $673 for $8.20 and $1.06 for 4 oz.

    Thanks K6AZ - I'll sign up for the mediation so he doesn't get his feedback removed so easily. I may need ST down the road to get my money back, depending on what the PO does. If he wants to pay $50 to have his 2 negs removed then good for him. (I don't blame him as it would alarm potential buyers).

    My only concern is getting my money back. I'll lose the $12 S/H/I I paid him (maybe I'll bring that point up during our mediation) but he'll be out $50. image

    For entertainment value, These are the negatives the seller left him

    eBay doesnt need a guy like this. No pay & no communication over $50. AMAZING
    Follow-up by : Even when he admits he was wrong he will leave retaliatory negative.

    Wins 4 lots and pays for none of them. How about answering an e-mail?????
    Follow-up by : Liar, unreliable and dishonorable--a true credit to the human race.

    Did not pay and will not afford the mere courtesy of returning an e-mail.
    Follow-up by : Can't pay $50. A total menace. Then leaves me negs for his inadequacies.

    Never replied to e-mails and never sent money. A TOTAL WASTE Seller
    Follow-up by : No money and no brains. Thanks for leaving me negs. You are a peach!

    His retalitory negatives back to the seller:

    Will make good on bids, don't jump the gun
    Reply by : Oh ok, I will just continue to wait for you to find the $50 in your couch.

    Sorry for the mix-up
    Reply by : So sorry you had to leave me 4 negs for your not honoring bids? You are SORRY.

    Can't get into e-mail account for three weeks
    Reply by : It has been 4 weeks, loser.

    Problem with e-mail
    Reply by : No. Problem functioning in society.
    My posts viewed image times
    since 8/1/6
  • relayerrelayer Posts: 10,570

    OH NO. You were right Razorface!

    I clicked to agree to ST and now All my computer does is this imageimageimageimage
    My posts viewed image times
    since 8/1/6
  • ajiaajia Posts: 5,403 ✭✭✭
    Isn't there a BIG difference between a neg feedback & a NPB?
    I think after 3 NPB you get booted off eBay. What would happen if this guy gets booted off? Is ST still an option?
  • NoGvmntNoGvmnt Posts: 1,126
    " Find out the weight of the package when it was mailed, I believe you can calculate this off the postage."

    Ajia, the sellers Post Office receipt will have the weight of the package printed on it as the cost of postage is determined by the weight of the package, that is why the P.O. weighs the package. Again, the weight is printed right on the senders receipt.


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