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When's the next Dothan, Al coin show?

Received this email from a dealer this morning:

March 28, 2004


Thought your readers would be interested in a taxing situation which
occurred at the Dolthan, Alabama Coin Show held March 26 - 28.

On Friday, March 26, Coin Dealers were approached by an Official from the
Houston County Tax Dept. to impose a "TRANSIENT PEDDLERS" permit of $31.00.
We were told if we refused to pay this fee "tax", the Official said he would
have the County Sheriff come to the show and have us arrested. We thought
it was a small price to pay for small town extortion, paid the fee and went
back doing business for the day.

Upon entering the show the next day, Saturday, March 27, we were greeted by
another Official from the City Tax Dept. who was accompanied by an armed
police officer. The City Official then informed us of a City Transient
Peddlers tax of $100 due from each dealer. When we asked the question "what
if we refused to pay this tax?" - again we were informed we would be
arrested by the Dolthan City Police. When several coin dealers began making
vocal objections, the city official called in more armed police officers.
Imagine, if you will, the intimidation factor now! We were facing
"Transient Peddlers Prison" !!

We were told we had to pay this fee if we stayed or left the show. The
majority of the dealers, including myself, all left the show - not paying
this $100 "Transient Peddlers" tax. We also object strongly being called a
"Transient Peddler". We are honest, hard working Numismatists.

This was to be an Inaugural Coin Show for this area. Too bad, there will
probably never be another coin show in Dolthan for those collectors who did
attend and wanted to bring their friends. I have been a dealer in
Numismatics for 35 years, but I will never return to Dolthan, Alabama.

On another note, by ending the coin show 2 days early, I can only imagine
the impact of lost revenue for the local motels, restaurants, convenience
stores and other local businesses.

Numismatically yours,


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